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Fundamental Algorithms

Fraser Greenroyd edited this page Dec 19, 2018 · 1 revision

Fundamental algorithms in XML Toolkit


The space object contains area, volume, planar geometry, shell geometry, space boundaries, name, description and CADObjectID. Here are some explanations about the geometrical objects within a space:

  • Planar Geometry represents the floor boundary.
  • Shell Geometry contains the closed shell (curtain panels are merged in the closed shell).
  • Space Boundary contains the planar geometry again, but this time it represents the boundary of each bounding panel .

The order of the points in the polyloops always have to be drawn in counterclockwise order from the outside of the space. This means that the normal vector of each surface is pointing away from the space centre. It is important that there is a consistency between all of the polyloops in the gbXML file. If not, we will end up with a corrupt file.


  • Adjacent Space ID refers to the IDs of the adjacent spaces.
  • Rectangular Geometry contains information about surface dimensions and orientation (tilt and azimuth) and one vertex of the panel.
  • Planar Geometry represents the boundary of each bounding panel.

The order of the points in the polyloops always have to be drawn in counterclockwise order from the outside of the space. This means that the normal vector of each surface is pointing away from the space centre. In the XML serialization we need to remove duplicate surfaces. We keep the surface which has a normal vector pointing away from the first adjacent space.



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