Welcome to the Kubernetes Examples Repository! This repository provides a collection of Kubernetes deployments that showcase various use cases and best practices for managing containerized applications using Kubernetes.
To explore the muliple Kubernetes deployments within this repository, follow these steps:
git clone https://github.com/BJWRD/Kubernetes.git
cd Kubernetes
3. Choose one of the available deployments from the list below and follow the instructions provided in their respective directories:
Multi-app deployment on a K8s cluster including Grafana, Prometheus, Loki & Promtail.
Application deployment via a Rancher Fleet GitOps solution.
Cert-Manager deployment and configuration on a existing K8s Cluster/Resources.
A Python Flask web application using K8s, Docker, Python Flask and NodePort as a service.
The following project includes Rancher installation on a Kubernetes Cluster.
Keycloak Cluster deployed to Kubernetes.
The following project takes you through the steps required to deploy a Wordpress system via the Helm.
Kubernetes deployment which routes traffic depending on the URL.
A simple web application using K8s, Nginx, HTML and NodePort as a service.
Feel free to explore each deployment's directory for detailed instructions on how to set up and manage the Kubernetes resources. Each deployment comes with its own README file that provides step-by-step guidance.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use the examples provided here for educational use.
Happy Kubernetes deployment exploration! If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.