Most issues and suggestions can be resolved via issues or discussions tab, respectively.
You can contribute to code, e.g. a bugfix, if you wish. For any larger change and/or guidance, please ask beforehand.
To submit a change:
- create a fork
- clone repository, push your changes to fork
- verify passing tests
- submit a pull request
Tests that verify your change are required, at least where possible.
- git clone fork
- in your IDE, set Java SDK or GraalVM of project and Gradle
- refresh Gradle
cd vue
npm install
Currently, I only have backend unit tests in src/test
. Right click the folder or ./gradlew test
to run them.
./gradlew bootRun
- run Java backend at port set in
(you can connect with browser at localhost:port)
cd vue
npm run dev
- (needs backend) run Vite frontend and o + enter
to open in browser
cd vue
npm run electron
- (needs backend) run Electron window
If you need distribution details, please refer to blog (2024).
cd vue
npm run buildVue
- build frontend static files
./gradlew bootJar
- build executable jar in build/libs
./gradlew nativeCompile
- (needs GraalVM) native backend compilation to build/native/nativeCompile
scripts in vue/package.json
- use these to export electron
Generating graal aot tracing
works for me only by running the generated bootJar as java -jar -agentlib:native-image-agent=config-output-dir=tracing MRT-X.jar