Using BRAINSPydra to run AutoWorkup using the Pydra dataflow engine requires the following steps:
- SSH into the SGE cluster (at the University of Iowa, this is Argon)
- Activate a python environment with python version 3.7+
- Clone this repository and install requirements
pip install -r REQUIREMENTS.txt
- Define config_environment to set parameters for individual steps in AutoWorkup and config_experimental to set parameters for the computing environment (examples: config_environment_argon.json and config_experimental_argon.json)
- Generate an array job of AutoWorkup pipelines to avoid the Pydra overhead of submitting many sessions through the same pipeline script (session_count recommended to be 10). Further instruction is given in
Generating Pipeline Jobs
. - ssh into Argon
- Submit the array job of pipelines to the Sun Grid Engine. Further instruction is given in
Running the Pipeline
positional arguments:
bids_path The path to the top level of the bids dataset
best_image_table Path to the tsv file containing information on the best series for each
data_dictionary_dir Path the the directory to store the generated input_data_dictionary__.json
pipeline_script Path to the python pipeline script to run BAW using pydra
experimental_config Path to the experimental configuration json file defining settings for each of
the BRAINSTools applications
environmental_config Path to the environmental configuration json file defining overall settings
for the system being used
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output_job_path OUTPUT_JOB_PATH
Output path to the job file that will be run to execute the pipeline on all
the input data dictionary files
--max_sessions_per_file MAX_SESSIONS_PER_FILE
The number of sessions to be recorded per json file (-1 for all sessions in
one file)
--session_count SESSION_COUNT
The number of sessions from which to have data extracted
--original_sessions_list_file ORIGINAL_SESSIONS_LIST_FILE
The path to a list file where each line is a session (sess-#####) processed in
the original BAW predicthd run
--bad_sessions_list BAD_SESSIONS_LIST
The path to a list file where each line is a session (sess-####) that should
not be processed
python3.8 \
/Shared/johnsonhj/ReferenceData/PREDICTHD_BIDS_DEFACE \
/Shared/johnsonhj/ReferenceData/PREDICTHD_BIDS_DEFACE/phenotype/bids_best_image_table.tsv \
$(pwd)/input_data_dictionaries \
$(pwd)/ \
$(pwd)/config_experimental_argon.json \
$(pwd)/config_environment_argon.json \
--output_job_path pipeline_20.job \
--max_sessions_per_file 10 \
--original_sessions_list_file ./my_sessions.list \
--session_count 20
usage: [-h] config_experimental config_environment input_data_dictionary
Move echo numbers in fmap BIDS data to JSON sidecars
positional arguments:
config_experimental Path to the json file for configuring task parameters
config_environment Path to the json file for setting environment config parameters
Path to the json file for input data
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
qsub -pe smp 1 -q HJ -t 1-2 pipeline_20.job
If all array job entries in pipeline_20.job complete, but not all sessions are fully processed, rerun the pipeline. Before rerunning, run the command rm *.lock
in the cache_dir given in the config_experimental
JSON file. Then, run the same command used to run the pipeline, as in Running the Pipeline/Example