Usage of url:
-hf string
path to list header file
-hn string
your hostname to connect to ( collabarator...)
-pl string
path to list payload file
-ur string
path to list url file
Example: go run . url -hf headers.txt -pl payloads.txt -ur urls.txt -hn
Usage of internal:
include zip files in the scan
-mode string
the output mode, either 'report' (every java archive pretty printed) or 'list' (list of potentially vulnerable files) (default 'report')
go with server opton
-server string
server to listen result return
Example1: go run . internal C:\ -server -online //if need send to server,run in parallel with the server
Example2: go run . internal C:\ //not send to server
Example3: go run . internal \ //not send to server
Usage of external:
-port string
port to listen result from client (default "8080")
Example: go run . external -port 4444