Python 3 wrapper for Thorlabs SpectralRadar SDK C library using ctypes
This wrapper is intended for use with ThorLabs ThorImage and SpectralRadar version
It should work with most other 4.X versions with little to no modification.
Dependencies: numpy, ctypes
NOT ALL FUNCTIONS FROM THE SPECTRALRADAR API ARE INCLUDED. Functions are added as they become useful to the project this is being developed for. Structs, functions, and enums can be easily added as Python classes or functions following the format of those already implemented.
Where possible, wrapper objects and arguments share the name of the prototype they wrap, as declared in the .h or found in the ThorLabs docs.
ThorImage and SpectralRadar SDK software are the intellectual property of Thorlabs, Inc. This script is merely a wrapper for the functions and objects exposed by the SDK they provide to licensed users of this software.