Release notes - BaCa2 beta phase - v.1.2-beta
- BETA-16 Footer not properly displaying on phones
- BETA-49 ENV variables and settings fix
- BETA-50 Passing packages path as ENV
- BETA-52 Task: Metoda Newtona; Set: set1; test7 - results differ betwen baca and baca2
- BETA-56 Timeline widget broken overflow
- BETA-61 Course migrations try-catch for DoesNotExist broken
- BETA-65 Some submits can be created but not sent during rejudge
- BETA-51 Create static tech break page
- BETA-54 Github cleanup and publish
- BETA-55 Announcements panel and announcement db model
- BETA-57 Timeline information update
- BETA-59 Add fall-off factor to tasks table
- BETA-60 Add my status column to tasks table
What's Changed
- v.1.2-beta release by @ZyndramZM in #28
Full Changelog: https://github.com/BaCa2-project/BaCa2/commits/v.1.2.0-beta