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Julian Wiley edited this page Nov 1, 2021 · 2 revisions


Welcome to the wiki! This wiki will document the project and describe how to contribute to the docs.

1. Overview

2. Getting Started

If you're not sure where to start, here's a guide to help you figure out where to begin:

Here are the broad categories of resources in this guide and what they contain:

Category Description Who's it for? Intro Page Link
Programming These are resources that will help you learn or improve your coding skills. More technical entrepreneurs or people looking for help with a specific issue Link
Development These resources cover designing, building, and deploying technical solutions, such as websites and databases Entrepreneurs looking to get applications or solutions up and running Link
Executive insights High level overviews of technologies, methodologies, paradigms, etc. Business-minded entrepreneurs looking to understand technical topics through non-technical explanations Link
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