Description: "Animates" a series of emojis
Usage: anim [-d <delay>] <emoji> [emoji2] [...]
Description: Be like Bill!
Usage: bill
Description: Encodes/decodes your input to/from binary
Usage: binary <encode|decode> <input>
Description: Shows you pictures of random cats
Usage: cat
Description: creates a self-destructing message
Usage: destruct [-d delay in ms] [-s <embed|inline|code|plain>] <message>
Credits: `<@140541588915879936>
Description: Shows you pictures of random dogs
Usage: dog
Description: Renders text in big emoji letters
Usage: fanceh <text>
Description: Renders fancy ASCII text
Usage: figlet <text>
Description: Searches Giphy for GIFs
Usage: gif <query>
Description: Transforms the text you input into Initial Caps
Usage: initial <text>
Description: Enlarges emojis!
Usage: jumbo <emoji>
Description: Talk like true gamers
Usage: leet <text>
Description: N/A
Usage: meme list | info <name> | [<name> | <line 1> | <line 2> | [style]]
Description: Reverses the text you input
Usage: reverse <text>
Description: rolls X dice with Y sides. Supports standard dice notation
Usage: roll XdY <reason>
Credits: `<@136641861073764352>
Description: Shoots yer friendz!
Usage: shoot <user>
Description: Dramatic sigh text
Usage: sigh
Description: Spaces out text to look all dramatic n' stuff
Usage: space [amount] <text>
Description: Converts your text to tiny letters!
Usage: tiny <text>
Description: Searches the given word on
Usage: urban <word>
Credits: `NITEHAWK
Description: Shows you random xkcd comics
Usage: xkcd
Description: Shows information about an emoji
Usage: emoji <emoji>
Description: Lists all guilds that you're a member of
Usage: guilds
Description: Shows you help for all commands or just a single command
Usage: help all|[command]|[category <name>]
Description: Shows information about a Minecraft player
Usage: playerinfo <username>
Description: Shows info of the server you are in
Usage: serverinfo
Description: Shows you stats about SharpBot
Usage: stats
Description: Shows info about a user
Usage: userinfo <user>
Description: Lists all users on your current server
Usage: users
Description: Deletes messages sent by bots
Usage: flush <amount>
Description: Deletes a certain number of messages sent by you
Usage: prune [amount]
Description: Deletes a certain number of messages
Usage: purge [amount]
Description: Quotes the message with the given ID
Usage: quote <id>
Description: Searches a number of messages for some text
Usage: search <#> <text>
Description: Gives you the avatar of a user
Usage: avatar <user>
Description: Calculates any math equation
Usage: calc <equation>
Credits: `Carbowix
Description: Searches the given word on
Usage: dictionary [word]
Credits: `NITEHAWK
Description: Sends a message via embeds
Usage: embed [text]
Description: Evaluates arbitrary JavaScript
Usage: eval <code>
Description: Executes a command in the console
Usage: exec [-l <lang>] <command>
Description: Links to a GitHub repository
Usage: github user/repo
Description: Searches Google using magic
Usage: google <search>
Description: Uploads some text to Hastebin
Usage: haste [-r|--raw] <text>
Description: Links to LMGTFY with the given search text
Usage: lmgtfy [search text]
Description: Pings the bot
Usage: ping [-o]
Description: Sets the bot prefix
Usage: prefix <new prefix>
Description: Restarts the bot
Usage: restart
Description: Sets your game (shows for other people)
Usage: setgame <game>
Description: Controls or lists your shortcuts
Usage: shortcuts [add <name> <command>|delete <name>|info <name>]
Description: shows detailed information about a spotify track
Usage: spotify <trackurl>
Credits: `<@140541588915879936>
Description: Manages your tags
Usage: tag <name>|list|add <name> <content>|delete <name>
Description: converts between timezones, using DuckDuckGo searches
Usage: timezone <time> to <time>
Credits: `<@136641861073764352>
Description: Translates text from/to any language
Usage: translate <lang> <text>
Credits: `Carbowix