Live Site: [TourEase]
- Navbar section having title, contact us route, update profile route and an avatar if user is logged in.
- Banners using Swiper js are implemented with a text and a button taking user to Collection of properties section.
- Listings of Tourist spots where some details about the spots is shown in a card.
- View Property Button takes user to a protected route where user can see further details about the Spots.
- Client review section containing two reviews or testimonial.
- AllTouristSpot page that shows all added spots in database
- Add Tourist page to add spots by user
- MyList page for a user to see his or her added spot
- A footer with website title, description, route links and social media handles.
- Login and Register page for User authentication and displayName and photo is shown in the Navbar.
- User can use Google account and Github account to sign in as well.