⚡️ Quickly generate a disposable email.
Use the package manager npm to install Mailsy.
npm install mailsy -g
Macos users can install mailsy via homebrew
brew install mailsy
Creating Email
Email will be copied to clipboard!
foo@bar:~$ mailsy g
Fetching Emails
Hit Enter to open the email in your default browser.
foo@bar:~$ mailsy m
? Select an email (Use arrow keys)
❯ 1. Hello, World! - from m.asghar99@outlook.com
2. Mailsy - from m.asghar99@outlook.com
Delete Account
if you want to dispose a email and get the new one use:
foo@bar:~$ mailsy d
Account deleted
Details about Account
foo@bar:~$ mailsy me
Email: random@random.com
createdAt: 13/03/2022, 21:32:09
Mailsy is using mail.tm API to generate a disposable email.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.