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calendar.h ~ namespace calendar

Baptiste Thémine edited this page Aug 6, 2020 · 4 revisions
namespace calendar { /* declarations */ }


Defines the namespace calendar and provides types, constants, exceptions and utility functions for calendar algorithm.


  • (Mandatory) <cstdio>, <cstdlib>, <iostream>, <stdexcept>, <JLC/debug.h> and <JLC/functions.h> must be included.
  • (Optional) <cstring> and <ctime> enables character sequence and local time functions.

Member types

Name Description
clock_type Defines integer type to store raw time information.
datetime_type Defines structure to store human-readable date/time representation.
duration_type Defines structure to store human-readable duration representation.
year_type Defines integer type to store the representation of Gregorian years.
month_type Defines integer type to store the representation of months in a year.
week_of_year_type Defines integer type to store the representation of weeks in a year.
week_of_month_type Defines integer type to store the representation of weeks in a month.
day_of_year_type Defines integer type to store the representation of days in a year.
day_of_month_type Defines integer type to store the representation of days in a month.
day_of_week_type Defines integer type to store the representation of days of week.
hour_type Defines integer type to store the representation of hours in a day.
minute_type Defines integer type to store the representation of minutes in an hour.
second_type Defines integer type to store the representation of seconds in a minute.
milli_type Defines integer type to store the representation of milliseconds in a second.
timezone_type Defines integer type to store UTC time zone offset.

Member functions

Name Description
clock_to_datetime Converts clock_type to datetime_type.
clock_to_duration Converts clock_type to duration_type.
compare Compares two datetime_type or duration_type.
datetime_to_clock Converts a datetime_type to clock_type.
duration_to_clock Converts a duration_type to clock_type.
divide Division operation on clock_type.
equals Returns true if two datetime_type or duration_type are equal.
is_date Returns true if the specified date representation is valid ISO 8601.
is_datetime Returns true if the specified date/time representation is valid ISO 8601.
is_leap_year Returns true if the specified year is a Gregorian leap year.
is_nan Returns true if the specified clock_type equals CLOCK_NAN.
is_time Returns true if the specified time representation is valid ISO 8601.
is_timezone Returns true if the specified UTC time zone offset is valid ISO 8601.
make_datetime Initializes a valid ISO 8601 datetime_type structure.
make_duration Initializes a duration_type structure.
minus Subtract operation on clock_type and datetime_type.
modulo Modulo operation on clock_type.
multiply Multiply operation on clock_type and datetime_type.
I/O stream operators for calendar types.
period_to_clock Converts a period representation to clock_type.
plus Sum operation on clock_type and datetime_type.
timezone_to_clock Converts a timezone_type to clock_type.

Member namespaces

Name Description
constants Contains all calendar constants.
typenames Contains all calendar typenames.
year Contains year_type.
month Contains month_type.
week_of_year Contains week_of_year_type.
week_of_month Contains week_of_month_type.
day_of_year Contains day_of_year_type.
day_of_month Contains day_of_month_type.
day_of_week Contains day_of_week_type.
hour Contains hour_type.
minute Contains minute_type.
second Contains second_type.
milli Contains milli_type.
timezone Contains timezone_type.

See also

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