30 day vanilla js coding challenge with video tutorials by wesbos
- Day 1: Drum Kit
- Day 2: Clock
- Day 3: Update CSS Variables with JS
- Day 4: Map, Reduce and Filter
- Day 5: Image Gallery
- Day 6: Type ahead
- Day 7: Some and Every
- Day 8: Canvas
- Day 9: Console
- Day 11: Player
- Day 12: Konami Code
- Day 13: Slide on Scroll
- Day 14: Reference vs Copy
- Day 15: Local Storage and Event Delegation
- Day 16: Mouse Effect
- Day 17: Map and Replace
- Day 18: Reduce
- Day 19: Video
- Day 20: Speech Recognition
- Day 21: Geolocation
- Day 22: Follow Along Links
- Day 23: Speech Synthesis Uterance
- Day 24: Sticky Nav
- Day 25: Event Capture, Propagation, Bubbling and Once
- Day 26: Follow Along Dropdown
- Day 27: Click and Drag
- Day 28: Video Speed Control
- Day 29: Countdown Timer
- Day 30: Whak a Mole Game