This is weather app. But it isn't normal weather app. It includes daily and hourly weather for whole week. Enjoy!
- Common
Tech | Description |
Eslint | Javascript Linter |
Prettier | Code formatter |
Lerna | Tool for managing projects with multiple packages |
- React
Tech | Description |
SCSS | CSS with superpowers |
Typescript | Javascript superset language |
React | Library for building user interfaces |
Context API | React structure that enables to share data with multiple components |
React Router | Declarative routing for React |
Jest | Javascript Testing Framework |
React Testing Library | Useful for testing React components |
- Vue
Tech | Description |
SCSS | CSS with superpowers |
Typescript | Javascript superset language |
Vue 3 | Progressive JavaScript Framework |
Vuex | State management for Vue.js |
Vue Router | Official router for Vue.js |
Jest | Javascript Testing Framework |
Vue Testing Library | Useful for testing Vue components |
git clone
cd packages/react or cd packages/vue
npm install
npm run start