This project will be a typing test with high-scores. Even though typing test are a very common project, we wanted to take our spin on it. We wanted to take this common project and turn it into, not a different project, but the project with different ways to test people on thier wpm.
TypingTest.com, typing.com, keyhero.com, livechat.com
Right when you open it up, you will need to input a name. This will show your score next to your name on the leaderbaord. After you input a name, you will see a start screen, the score as well as time left will be displayed on the screen. Under the score and time, there will be one word on the screen. Once you type it, the word's background will flash red or green for incorrect or correct, and a new word will appear for you to type until the timer reaches 0. After that it will calculate your score based on any errors, and let you know what your score is.
- Work on getting buttons and words display on the screen with countdown and word count(static). Get words to display in the center of the screen and pre-setup event listeners.
- Finish up on the html and css. Start working on the user interface and word randomization. Add event listeners to the keyboard and button.
- Work on timer and word count system. Have an alert to pop up and say how many words you typed.
- Charles
- Sean