This application consists of three distinct services, all built upon the efficient gRPC protocol: User, Auth, and Quote. These services seamlessly interact with both one another and clients through the advanced gRPC protocol. The administrative role, held by editors, empowers them to oversee user management and quote administration. Meanwhile, users enjoy the ability to access random quotes, adding an element of serendipity to their experience.
User Service
The User Service provides functionality related to managing user(quote editor) information. Methods:
- findOneById
- findOneByUsername
- createUser
- removeUser
Auth Service
The Auth Service handles user authentication and authorization. Methods:
- login
- verifyToken
Quote Service
The Quote Service retrieves and manages quotes.
- findOneQuoteById
- randDomQuote
- createQuote
- removeQuoteById
- updateQuote
Proto Files
for more info about methods and input/output types check out proto directory
API Gateway
The API Gateway serves as an entry point for clients to communicate with the gRPC services. It translates HTTP requests to gRPC requests and vice versa.
- Port: 3000
To access the services through the API Gateway, send an HTTP request to the appropriate API endpoint, import RandomQuoteGRPC.postman_collection.json
to Postman
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd RandomQuoteGRPC
Install the required dependencies:
npm install
Transpile the .proto file and generate gRPC TypeScript code. proto files have already transpile libs/common/types, but if you change anything you can use:
protoc --plugin=./node_modules/.bin/protoc-gen-ts_proto --ts_proto_out=<output> --ts_proto_opt=nestJs=true <path/to/proto/file>
This command will generate the necessary TypeScript files from the .proto file.
Create Admin:
ts-node apps/user/seed/create-admin.ts
Start the server:
npm run start:dev user
npm run start:dev auth
npm run start:dev quote
npm run start:dev
The server will start and listen on port 3000.
Contributions to the Random Quote Generator project are welcome! If you have any ideas for improvements, bug fixes, or new features, feel free to submit a pull request.
The Random Quote Generator project is open-source and distributed under the GPL-3.0 License.
Copyright 2023, Max Base