The Spiser project:
The Spiser App was developed was a requirement for my Course Completion Work at ETEC Raposo Tavares.
Mobile App developed using Dart and Flutter.
I thank Professor Daniel Ciolfi for the knowledge given in his course, as they were extremely useful and important for the realization of the project as a whole.
The restaurant service improvement system, named Spiser, is a project developed to obtain the diploma of the technical course of ETEC Raposo Tavares.
Spiser is the first application developed for this project.
Its objective is to give total freedom to the customer of the establishment to place their orders individually. Using the application on his smartphone, the customer will be able to:
- Perform your registration or login if you have already registered;
- Access the menu and see all the products that the establishment offers;
- View information about the product (Name, price, size, among others);
- Add the desired order to the cart, apply the discount coupon and the table where the customer is;
- Be aware of the final price of your order;
- Track the status of your order.
All of these functions can be performed by the establishment's customers directly from their smartphones, in a clean, fluid and easy-to-use interface.
Visite our website, click here and learn more about the project.
Matheus Henrique Rodrigues da Silva - LinkedIn -