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add maz-stop walk time estimation method
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ychtw committed Nov 5, 2021
1 parent 26a94ef commit 0a38540
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331 changes: 330 additions & 1 deletion lasso/
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from pyproj import CRS
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString
import osmnx as ox
import networkx as nx

from .parameters import Parameters
from .logger import WranglerLogger
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2821,4 +2823,331 @@ def _calculate_node_county(x):
"Finished Calculating node county variable: {}".format(network_variable)

return roadway_network
return roadway_network

def get_period_mode_trn_stops(transit_network: CubeTransit = None) -> pd.DataFrame:

# get transit line properties: line name, time period, and mode
trn_line_properties = pd.DataFrame(
"name": [k.replace('"', "") for k in transit_network.line_properties.keys()],
"time_period": [
k.replace('"', "").split("_")[2] for k in transit_network.line_properties.keys()
"mode": [
v["USERA2"].replace('"', "") for v in transit_network.line_properties.values()

# get transit stops' node ids
trn_line_stops = pd.DataFrame()
for line in transit_network.shapes.keys():
line_nodes = transit_network.shapes[line]
line_nodes = line_nodes[line_nodes["stop"] == True] # keep only stop nodes
line_stops = pd.DataFrame(
{"name": line.replace('"', ""), "stop": line_nodes["node_id"].to_list()}
trn_line_stops = pd.concat([trn_line_stops, line_stops])

# add transit line properties to trn_line_stops
trn_line_stops = pd.merge(trn_line_stops, trn_line_properties, how="left", on="name")

# keep only the unique pair of time_period - mode - stop
period_mode_trn_stops = trn_line_stops[["time_period", "mode", "stop"]].drop_duplicates()

return period_mode_trn_stops

def estimate_maz_walk_time(
roadway_network: ModelRoadwayNetwork = None,
transit_network: CubeTransit = None,
stop_demand: pd.DataFrame = None,
direction: str = "access", # "access" or "egress"
parameters=None, # for getting taz-maz lookup
) -> pd.DataFrame:

# specify direction-specific variables
if direction == "access":
dir_col_maz = "from_maz"
dir_col_taz = "from_taz"
dir_col_stop = "to_stop"
dir_col_node = "A" # for filtering directional maz connectors
dir_col_stop_demand = "boardings" # for stop demand % in corresponding taz
dir_col_maz = "to_maz"
dir_col_taz = "to_taz"
dir_col_stop = "from_stop"
dir_col_node = "B"
dir_col_stop_demand = "alightings"

# project to a coordinate system that use ft as base unit
print("reproject roadway network")
links = roadway_network.links_df.copy().to_crs(epsg=2230)
nodes = roadway_network.nodes_df.copy().to_crs(epsg=2230)

## Part 1: for each maz, find transit stops within 1.5 miles ##
# Create 1.5 miles (7920 foot) buffer for each maz
print("create 1.5 miles buffer for maz nodes")
maz_nodes = nodes[
(nodes["model_node_id"] < 900000)
& (nodes["model_node_id"] % 100000 < 90000)
& (nodes["model_node_id"] % 100000 >= 10000)
buffer_geom = maz_nodes["geometry"].buffer(7920)
maz_buffer = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
maz_nodes[["model_node_id"]].rename(columns={"model_node_id": "maz"}),
print(f"# of maz: {len(maz_buffer)}")

# get transit stop node ids from transit_network, and add geometry from nodes
period_mode_trn_stops = get_period_mode_trn_stops(transit_network)
period_mode_trn_stops = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
nodes[["model_node_id", "geometry"]],

# spatial join to find transit stops in each maz
print("spatial join maz buffer and transit stop nodes")
print(f"# of transit stops: {len(period_mode_trn_stops)}")
maz_trn_stops = (
gpd.sjoin(period_mode_trn_stops, maz_buffer, how="inner", op="intersects")
.drop(columns=["index_right", "geometry"])
.rename(columns={"maz": dir_col_maz, "stop": dir_col_stop})

## Part 2: find shortest path between maz-stop pairs ##
# walk accessibility should be the same across time periods
# (select unique maz-stop pairs to reduce runtime)
maz_stop_pairs = (
maz_trn_stops[[dir_col_maz, dir_col_stop]].drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
print(f"unique maz-stop pairs: {len(maz_stop_pairs)}")

# create walk network, exclude connectors (note: TAZ connectors are already with WALK_ACCESS = 0)
print("create walk network")
walk_net = links[
(links["walk_access"] == 1) & (links["cntype"] != "MAZ") & (links["cntype"] != "TAP")

# add one-direction of MAZ connectors to the walk network
# (based on direction argument specified by the user)
maz_connectors = links[
(links["cntype"] == "MAZ")
& (links[dir_col_node] < 900000)
& (links[dir_col_node] % 100000 < 90000)
& (links[dir_col_node] % 100000 >= 10000)
walk_net = pd.concat([walk_net, maz_connectors]).reset_index(drop=True)

# format walk_net dataframe
walk_net["u"] = walk_net["A"]
walk_net["v"] = walk_net["B"]
walk_net["key"] = walk_net.index + 1
walk_net = walk_net[["u", "v", "key", "A", "B", "distance", "geometry"]]

# create walk nodes
walk_nodes = nodes[nodes["walk_access"] == 1]
walk_nodes["x"] = walk_nodes["geometry"].x
walk_nodes["y"] = walk_nodes["geometry"].y
walk_nodes = walk_nodes[["model_node_id", "x", "y", "geometry"]]

# build walk network graph
walk_graph = ox.graph_from_gdfs(walk_nodes, walk_net)

print("build shortest path between maz and stop")
shortest_paths = {dir_col_maz: [], dir_col_stop: [], "distance": [], "path": []}
shortest_paths_fail = {dir_col_maz: [], dir_col_stop: []}

print(f"# of paths to be processed: {len(maz_stop_pairs)}")
print("build shortest paths ...")
for i in range(len(maz_stop_pairs)):
if i % 5000 == 0:
print(f"processing path #: {i + 1}")
# get two trip ends
maz_end = maz_stop_pairs.loc[i, dir_col_maz]
stop_end = maz_stop_pairs.loc[i, dir_col_stop]

if direction == "access":
path_dist = nx.shortest_path_length(
walk_graph, maz_end, stop_end, weight="distance"
path = nx.shortest_path(walk_graph, maz_end, stop_end, weight="distance")
path_dist = nx.shortest_path_length(
walk_graph, stop_end, maz_end, weight="distance"
path = nx.shortest_path(walk_graph, stop_end, maz_end, weight="distance")

# convert shortest path results from dict to df
shortest_paths = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(shortest_paths)
shortest_paths_fail = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(shortest_paths_fail)

# remove maz-stop pairs that exceed 1.5 miles walk distance
shortest_paths = shortest_paths[shortest_paths["distance"] <= 1.5].reset_index(drop=True)

# calculate shortest walk time in minute (assume walk speed = 3 mph)
shortest_paths["walk_min"] = (shortest_paths["distance"] / 3) * 60

# calculate impedance and time-to-impedance ratio
def _calculate_impedance(x):
# 1 * a + 5 * b + 10 * c + 20 * d
a = min(x.walk_min, 5)
b = min(x.walk_min - 5, 5)
c = min(x.walk_min - 10, 10)
d = x.walk_min - 15
if x.walk_min >= 15:
return a + 5 * b + 10 * c + 20 * d
elif x.walk_min >= 10:
return a + 5 * b + 10 * c
elif x.walk_min >= 5:
return a + 5 * b
return a
shortest_paths["impedance"] = shortest_paths.apply(lambda x: _calculate_impedance(x), axis=1)
shortest_paths["time_impedance_ratio"] = (
shortest_paths["walk_min"] / shortest_paths["impedance"]

# add taz info
maz_taz_lookup = pd.read_csv(parameters.taz_maz_crosswalk_file)
maz_taz_lookup = maz_taz_lookup[["MAZ_ORIGINAL", "TAZ_ORIGINAL"]].rename(
columns={"MAZ_ORIGINAL": dir_col_maz, "TAZ_ORIGINAL": dir_col_taz}
shortest_paths = pd.merge(shortest_paths, maz_taz_lookup, how="left", on=dir_col_maz)
shortest_paths[dir_col_taz] = shortest_paths[dir_col_taz].astype(int)

# add shortest path info back to maz_trn_stops
maz_trn_stops = pd.merge(
maz_trn_stops, shortest_paths, how="left", on=[dir_col_maz, dir_col_stop]
# some records will have null distance because those with > 1.5 walk distance was removed from shortest path
maz_trn_stops = maz_trn_stops[~maz_trn_stops["distance"].isnull()].reset_index(drop=True)

# expand maz_trn_stops to have records by skim set
# (note: maz_trn_stops already have time period & mode info)
maz_trn_stops_set1 = maz_trn_stops[maz_trn_stops["mode"] == "Local bus"].copy()
maz_trn_stops_set1["skim_set"] = 1
maz_trn_stops_set2 = maz_trn_stops[maz_trn_stops["mode"] != "Local bus"].copy()
maz_trn_stops_set2["skim_set"] = 2
maz_trn_stops_set3 = maz_trn_stops.copy()
maz_trn_stops_set3["skim_set"] = 3
maz_trn_stops_all_sets = pd.concat(
[maz_trn_stops_set1, maz_trn_stops_set2, maz_trn_stops_set3]

# initialize df that keep results from all skim sets & time periods
result_maz_trn_stops = pd.DataFrame()

for skim_set in [1, 2, 3]:
for time_period in ["EA", "AM", "MD", "PM", "EV"]:
print(f"process skim set {skim_set}, time period: {time_period}")

# select maz_trn_stop for the given skim set & time period
maz_trn_stop_set_per = maz_trn_stops_all_sets[
(maz_trn_stops_all_sets["skim_set"] == skim_set)
& (maz_trn_stops_all_sets["time_period"] == time_period)

# select stop boardings/alightings volumes for the given skim set & time period
stop_demand = stop_demand.rename(columns={"stop": dir_col_stop})
if skim_set == 1:
stop_demand_set_per = stop_demand[
(stop_demand["mode"] == "local") & (stop_demand["time_period"] == time_period)
elif skim_set == 2:
stop_demand_set_per = stop_demand[
(stop_demand["mode"] == "premium") & (stop_demand["time_period"] == time_period)
stop_demand_set_per = stop_demand[stop_demand["time_period"] == time_period]
stop_demand_set_per = stop_demand_set_per.drop(columns=["mode", "time_period"])

# add stop demand to maz_trn_stop_set_per
maz_trn_stop_set_per = pd.merge(
maz_trn_stop_set_per, stop_demand_set_per, how="left", on=dir_col_stop
# remove records w/o stop demand
maz_trn_stop_set_per = maz_trn_stop_set_per[

# calculate total boarding / alighting demand for each taz
taz_demand = (
maz_trn_stop_set_per[[dir_col_stop, dir_col_taz, dir_col_stop_demand]]

# add taz demand to maz_trn_stop_set_per
maz_trn_stop_set_per = pd.merge(
maz_trn_stop_set_per, taz_demand, how="left", on=dir_col_taz

# calculate bording/alighting share at each stop within its corresponding taz
maz_trn_stop_set_per["stop_taz_demand_share"] = (
/ maz_trn_stop_set_per[f"taz_total_{dir_col_stop_demand}"]

maz_trn_stop_set_per["stop_walk_time_weight"] = (
* maz_trn_stop_set_per["time_impedance_ratio"]

# calculate maz-level sum of "stop_walk_time_weight"
maz_weight_sum = (
maz_trn_stop_set_per[[dir_col_maz, "stop_walk_time_weight"]]
maz_trn_stop_set_per = pd.merge(
maz_trn_stop_set_per, maz_weight_sum, how="left", on=dir_col_maz

maz_trn_stop_set_per["stop_weight"] = (
/ maz_trn_stop_set_per["maz_weight_sum"]
maz_trn_stop_set_per["weighted_walk_min"] = (
maz_trn_stop_set_per["stop_weight"] * maz_trn_stop_set_per["walk_min"]

result_maz_trn_stops = pd.concat([result_maz_trn_stops, maz_trn_stop_set_per])

# aggregate to maz level to get estimated maz walk access time
est_maz_walk_time = (
result_maz_trn_stops.groupby(["skim_set", "time_period", dir_col_maz])["weighted_walk_min"]
est_maz_walk_time[f"est_maz_walk_{direction}_min"] = est_maz_walk_time[

# optional return df: result_maz_trn_stops, shortest_paths_fail
return est_maz_walk_time
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions lasso/
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Expand Up @@ -916,3 +916,7 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):


self.taz_maz_crosswalk_file = os.path.join(
self.data_file_location, "lookups", "maz_data_withDensity.csv"

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