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Michael Reilly edited this page Mar 28, 2018 · 8 revisions

This model combines UrbanSim data and external information to calculate the cost of housing experience by different household types. It assumes the following external components work:

  • Explicit tenure
  • True housing prices and rents
  • Rent control
  • Explicit representation of deed restricted units in basemap and forecast years

Households are assigned to five situations:

  • Deed-restricted units: these households pay a set percentage of their income based on external data (around 27% of income, number from table). The count is determined by the number of HHs placed in deed-restricted units
  • Subsidized rent: these households also pay a set percentage of their income (around 27%, number from table). Their count is determined by a percentage of all households in the table (ie user defined)
  • Rent-controlled: these households pay an amount that reflects forecast market rents decreased by 1) any differential movement rate and 2) lower investment in rent controlled units. The count of these households is determined by counting HHs in units marked as rent controlled (from base map or policy)
  • Market rate renters: these households pay an amount that reflects forecast market prices/rents. There count is determined by HHs in non-rent-controlled rental units.
  • Market rate owners: these households pay an amount that reflects forecast market prices. There count is determine by HHs in market rate ownership units.

Additions to UrbanSim

  • New table (temp_housing_cost_controls.csv) with 5 year market stuff med/avg income for each quartile/segment
  • [Housing Cost Model]
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