Using approx. 1500-2000 random Latitude-Longitude pairs I plotted cities around the world and analyzed various weather characteristics for each. Following this analysis, code was then written for a user to input a maximum and minimum temperature which would filter the cities which met the desired criteria. These cities were then plotted along with their respective weather characterists. Various APIs were used during this including Google Nearby Search to find hotels for each city. The final portion of the analysis involved picking 4 cities and mapping a trip in which all 4 cities were visited.
- Software: Python 3.7 (Libraries: Pandas, Requests, Numpy), Anaconda (Jupyter Notebook package), Visual Studio Code 1.38.1
- APIs: OpenWeatherMap, Google (Places, Geocoding, Maps, Directions)
Please see a few of the maps showing the outcome of this project:
Thank you for reading and please feel free to explore the analysis files: