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Latest Stable Version: 2.5.1

Version in progress: (none)

Instructions for useage:

  1. Install the RIPS Auto Import - Chrome Extension.
  2. Log in to RIPS (talk to RIPS guy if you need the link) in only 1 tab on Google Chrome.
    • If you have more than 1 RIPS tab open, even in multiple Google Chrome windows, the import will get confused and send an error!
    • If you NEED to work on RIPS at the same time as the import, you can open RIPS using a different browser like Safari, Firefox, Bing, etc.
  3. Open the extension's "Options page" by clicking on the extension icon labeled "Ri" in the upper-right corner of Google Chrome.
  4. For any data you want to import into RIPS, make sure the column header matches an appropriate column below.
  5. Copy all contents of client data spreadsheet (including column headers), and paste data into main textbox.
  6. Click "Create Table!" -> A table with parsed data should appear below the button.
  7. Make sure the import settings are set as you need.
  8. If everything looks good, click "Import Clients" to start the import!

Client search analysis - How the extension searches for clients:

Client search analysis is done using the library The docs are on the website, but here are some of the special settings that I thought needed extra effort / specific explanation:

  1. location - Where the search should start looking for a match (0 = beginning of the string)
  2. distance - How far away from "Location" the search should look for the match (0 = only right at the location, 100 = 100 characters in either direction)

Exact Fields required for Registration page, and example data:

Full Name* Gender* Date of Birth* Nationality* Main Language* Phone Number* UNHCR number*
Test Bob 1 Male 1-Mar-2000 -STATELESS- Arabic 01234567890 123-99C12345
Test Jill Female 19-Feb-1943 Iraq Fur, English 01112223333 000-00C00000
Test Bob 2 Other .14/04/2001 Sudan Amharic 05555555555 1234/1234

Notes about Registration table:

  1. Full name - can be broken into columns "First Name" and "Last Name" if preferred.
  2. Full name - first name in column goes into "First name" box in RIPS, all other names go into "Surname" box (last name).
  3. Gender - Needs to be full gender type, not just "M" / "F".
  4. Date of Birth - Preferred format for dates is "DD-Mon-YYYY" where DD and YYYY are numbers, and Mon is a 3-letter string for the month name. Other allowed format is "DD/MM/YYYY - for this format, the '.' in front of the DOB is not necessary, but can be included for formattting (it will be removed before being imported).
  5. Nationality - Needs to be country name (ex: Sudan), not actually nationality (ex: Sudanese).
  6. Nationality - Text in parenthises excluded (ex: "Egypt (misr)" -> input into RIPS as "Egypt").
  7. Main Language - If there are multiple languages spoken by client, 2nd language will be placed in 'Second Language' dropdown. 3rd and following languages cannot be added to RIPS.
  8. Phone Number - Should be 11 digits (Validation handled by RIPS Validation Extension).
  9. UNHCR Number - Variety of formats allowed (Validation handled by RIPS Validation Extension).

Fields available for Client Basic Information page, and example data: (incomplete)

Current Contact Details (free text):

Address1 Address2 Other Phone Number Email Address
Street Zip 01234567890

Background (Dropdown boxes):

Country of Origin Ethnic Origin Second Language Marital Status
Bahrain Bari Nuer Single

Other Information (Text boxes):

Passport Number Caritas Number IOM Number CRS Number StARS Student Number MSF Number
10070005 ? ? ? ? ?

Other Information (Dropdown boxes):

Religion UNHCR Status Source of Referral City of Origin / Village of Origin Employment Status Neighborhood Highest Education

Other Information (Checkboxes):

CARE CRS EFRRA/ACSFT IOM MSF PSTIC Refuge Egypt Save the Children UNICEF/TdH Other Service Provider

Other Information (Dates):

Date of Arrival in Egypt Date of UNHCR Registration RSD Date Last RSD Update (from dropdown box)

Fields in separate tabs:

Urgent Notes Important Information Family Size UNHCR Case Size Direct Beneficiaries Indirect Beneficiaries
Free Text Free Text number number number number

Vulnerability Data:

Vulnerability Notes Vulnerability Names
Test vulnerability! Homeless; Mental health
... Single female head of household

Notes about "Optional" tables above:

  1. Vulnerability Names - make sure vulnerability is spelled exactly correct
  2. Vulnerability Names - if you import multiple vulnerabilities on one client, separate the vulnerability names with a semi-colon ;

Fields available for Services page, and example data:

Service Code* Service Caseworker Service Start Date
MAP, RST, UCY, etc abeaman 1-Mar-2017

Notes about Services table:

  1. Service Code - To determine the correct service code for each service, see table "Service Code -> Description Table" below.
    • NOTE: If a new service needs to be added, contact a developer! This Chrome Extension will need to be updated & re-published with the new service(s).
  2. Service Code - The only required column for this page.
  3. Service Caseworker - RIPS defaults to adding logged-in user as caseworker for new services. If import user would like a different user added to new services, this column is where the caseworker should be specified.
  4. Service Start Date - Should always be in format above: Day-Month-Year, where Day and Month are numbers and Month is a 3-letter string.

Service Code -> Description Table

Service Code Service Description
AEP Adult Education Program
AFP PS Adults and Families Program
CEP Children Education Program
CHP PS Community Hosting Program
DA PS Direct Assistance Program
DIER PS Drop in and Emergency Response
DRP PS Distribution Response Program
EACB Education Access and Capacity Building
ECW Early Childhood Wellbeing
ED Education Grant
GROUPS PS Groups and Activities
MAN Management
MED PS Medical Access Program
MHP PS Mental Health Program
MONT Montessori Preschool
OUT Community Outreach
PDC Professional Development Courses
PRO RLAP Protection
RST RLAP Resettlement
UCY PS Unaccompanied Children and Youth Program
UCYDR Unaccompanied Children and Youth Department Reception
UCYNCN UCY Naimo Center Nursery
UYBP PS Unaccompanied Youth Bridging Program
YMPP Young Mothers Psychosocial Program

Fields available for Add Action page, and example data:

Service Code* Action Name* Action Date (not ready) Action Caseworker Action Notes
RSD, UYBP, GROUPS, etc Other abeaman
MAN Referred for food & hygiene box Staff Awww giggidy, let's get some boxes!

Notes about Add Action table:

  1. Service Code - If populated but "Action Name" column is omitted, service will be added, then action data will be skipped.
  2. Service Code - This is the same column as above for Services -> don't add 2 columns with "Service Code" title.

Testing Scenarios:

# Client Data Description (list) Client Creation Settings Expected Outcome Last Pass (Version #)
1.1 Only Reg data (1 exact matching client) All settings No new client created, no error, client selected v2.3.0
1.2 Only Reg data (> 1 matching UNHCR #s, 1 matching name) All Settings No new client created, no error, matching client selected v2.3.0
1.3 Only Reg data (> 1 matching UNHCR #s, no matching names) Skip Client Creation / Skip Conditionally No new client created, skip error thrown, next client is searched for v2.3.0
1.4 Only Reg data (> 1 matching UNHCR #s, no matching names) Create Client(s) New client created v2.3.0
1.5 Only Reg data (0 matching UNHCR #s) Skip Client Creation No new client created, skip error thrown, next client is searched for v2.3.0
1.6 Only Reg data (0 matching UNHCR #s) Skip Conditionally / Create Client(s) New client created v2.3.0
1.7 Only Reg data (0 matching UNHCR #s, missing a required field) Skip Conditionally / Create Client(s) Error in Registration page, client skipped, error added to options page v2.3.0
2.1 Reg data, UNHCR File Status Default - 1 matching client CBI data updated, Passes dependent / vuln swal warning v2.3.0
2.2 Reg data, UNHCR Case Size, Vulnerability Notes / Names - NOT READY YET Default - 1 matching client CBI data updated v2.4.3
2.3 Reg data, Vulnerability Names only (no previous vulnerability data saved) Default - 1 matching client Vulns updated v2.4.3
3 Reg data, Service start date, Service code, Service caseworker Default - 1 matching client Service data added v2.3.0
4.1 Reg data, Service data (code / caseworker), Action name, Action caseworker, Action notes, Action date Default - 1 matching client NEW Service added, Action data added v2.3.0
4.2 Reg data, Service data (code / caseworker), Action data (service matches pre-existing service) Default - 1 matching client Service matches old service, moves directly to adding action data v2.3.0
10 Only Reg data - Duplicate UNHCR #s AND duplicate matching names Default - 1 matching client Client added to error list, no new client created v2.3.0

Note: Although these testing scenarios should be run before releasing a new version, please still test a few clients in your spreadsheet before completely trusting that this import will work for you! We don't want to add lots of bad data to the database.

Notes for Developers

Publishing an update

Create a zipped folder with this extension's code inside:

  1. Update the project's version number manifest.json
  2. Copy / paste this project to a new folder
  3. Delete the /archive directory in the new folder (and file if you want)
  4. Open the manifest.json file in the new folder
    • Delete all lines starting with // ... - these are comments that are not supported in the manifest.json file, they're just nice for readability. If you try to update this project without deleting these lines, you'll get an error.
  5. Compress / Zip the new folder
  6. Move to the next step :)

Upload the zipped folder to the store:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Find the Item you want to update (In this case, the RIPS Extension - Auto Client Import)
  3. Click "Package" on the Left-hand menu
  4. Click "Upload new package" in the top-right
  5. Upload the zipped folder (from the previous steps)

Now you'll be back on the "Store listing" page. Finish with these steps:

  1. Click "Save draft" in the top-right
  2. Click "Submit for review"
    • Note: You may have to resolve some metadata issues, as Chrome Extensions seem to consistently need new / updated information every few months.
  3. Publish your updates on Github
    • I'd recommend waiting till after publishing on the Chrome Web Store because sometimes late in this process you'll need to update metadata. So at this point, the app is ready for review, you're ready to update Github.

Done! You should now see "Status: Pending review". Once your app has been reviewed, users should get the new version automatically :)

Note: To make a publishing "group" (more than 1 person being able to update / publish to the chrome web store), may have to follow these steps: