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577 lines (430 loc) · 22.9 KB

File metadata and controls

577 lines (430 loc) · 22.9 KB

Version 0.10.11

25 September 2024

Hotfix for pointer truncation in Unsafe.Align[...](void*) on Android Hotfix for Mono build crashes when using TinyIL


  • Added STuple readonly struct as replacement for System.Tuple


  • Added Equals, GetHashCode, and Compare shortcuts to CompareUtils


  • Made word size detection in Unsafe more robust
  • Fixed pointer truncation in Unsafe.Align[...](void*) on Android
  • Builds targeting Mono will no longer crash upon calling internal call shortcuts when compiled with TinyIL

Version 0.10.10

30 August 2024

Hotfix for MapUtils.EnsureCapacity and SetUtils.EnsureCapacity in Unity 2019


  • Variant can now store an instance id as a reference to a unity object
    • Note that if BeauData is included, this value type cannot be serialized


  • MapUtils.EnsureCapacity and SetUtils.EnsureCapacity now work in Unity 2019 for collections constructed without an initial capacity

Version 0.10.9

29 August 2024

Hotfix for Enums.IsZero and Enums.IsNotZero, Unity 2019 compatibility


  • UniqueIdAllocator, UniqueIdMap and LLTable can now be set to a fixed capacity (non-flexible)
  • UnityHelper.Find and similar use the new Resources.InstanceIdToObject and similar API
  • LruCache eviction now uses a linked list instead of an access counter for O(1) perf instead of O(N)
  • Implemented Unsafe.NullRef, Unsafe.IsNullRef, Unsafe.AsPointer, and Unsafe.AsTypedPointer as alternatives to unavailable .NET Unsafe api


  • Enums.IsZero and Enums.IsNotZero no longer emit improper IL when using TinyIL
  • SceneReference constructor made compatible with Unity 2019 editor again

Version 0.10.8

25 July 2024

Hotfix for CameraHelper global camera ordering

Version 0.10.7

25 July 2024

Hotfix for BitSet256 bitwise operators

Breaking Changes

  • Default TypeIndex capacity lowered from 512 to 128
  • QueryParams always preserves parameter string value, even if it can be parsed to a Variant


  • Added optional ordering parameter to CameraHelper callback registration
  • Improved performance of ToEnum(long) and ToEnum(ulong
  • Added MinWidth property to all DMElementInfo types
  • Added generic comparison and bitwise operators to Enums utility
  • Added Unsafe.FastCast to unchecked cast class types
  • Made BitSet32 and BitSet64 serializable via proxy when BeauData package is present
  • Condensed default debug console layout


  • BitSet256 bitwise operators corrected

Version 0.10.6

7 June 2024

New SceneReference constructors, Performance improvements


  • Added SceneReference(string path) and SceneReference(int buildIndex) constructors
  • SerializedAttributeSet now reuses AttributeBinding<TAttr, MemberInfo> instead of its own identical type
  • Added support for registering function pointers to CastableArgument
  • Made CastableArgument.Cast cost more consistent

Version 0.10.5

5 June 2024

Hotfix for TinyIL integration build process revisions

Version 0.10.4

21 May 2024

Hotfix for Grid2D.IsValid failing on x == 0 or y == 0


  • Added UnsafeBitSet, an IBitSet backed by unsafe memory


  • Added Log.Trace and Log.Debug for bypassing Unity's console log
  • Added DMInfo.SortByLabel for sorting menu elements alphabetically
  • Added DMInfo.FindSubmenu and DMInfo.FindOrCreateSubmenu for locating submenus
  • Added DMInfo.MergeSubmenu for merging submenus into a parent menu.
  • Reduced branching in Bits.Set (eliminated entirely with TinyIL package)
  • Adjusted PerformanceTracker.TryGetMemoryUsage output when profiler is active


  • Fixed Grid2D.IsValid not considering x == 0 or y == 0 valid coordinates

Version 0.10.3

21 March 2024

Hotfix for MeshData.Upload not uploading modified vertex counts when reusing a MeshDataTarget

Version 0.10.2

20 March 2024

Fixed out-of-bounds memory access in Unsafe.Hash64 Fixed incorrect bounds checking for MeshData.Vertex ref accessors


  • Added NonIndexedAttribute for marking types as non-traversable with TypeIndex
  • Added UnmanagedMeshData16 for reusable mesh data backed by unmanaged memory
  • MeshData.Upload now takes in an optional set of flags for reducing the amount of data uploaded


  • Added implicit conversions from StringSlice to ReadOnlySpan<char> and ReadOnlyMemory<char>
  • MeshData.Upload tries to avoid uploading unchanged data to meshes by default
  • Improved performance of Unsafe.Hash32 and UnsafeHash64
  • Added Ref.Replace overloads for primitives
  • Added DownloadHandlerUnsafeBuffer.Data for retrieving an UnsafeSpan<byte>
  • Added CanvasHelper.GetSelectionState(Selectable) for retrieving selection state of a Selectable
  • Added Geom.MinRect for calculating the minimum bounding rectangle for a set of points


  • Fixed out-of-bounds memory access in Unsafe.Hash64
  • Restored Unity 2019 compatibility
  • Fixed AssetDatabase.SaveAssets cannot be called during import error in CustomTextAsset importer
  • Fixed MeshData.Vertex bounds checking against index count rather than vertex count

Version 0.10.1

21 Feb 2024

Fixed exception in AssetDBUtils.Find methods when encountering assets with missing types Added BEAUUTIL_USE_LEGACY_UNITYEVENTS define for reverting PointerListener, TriggerListener[2D], and CollisionListener[2D] events to serializable UnityEvents

Version 0.10.0

9 Feb 2024

Performance improvements Pointer alignment fixes TypeIndex can retrieve inheritance information Disabling experimental MethodInvocationHelper pointer specialization


  • Added UnsafeEnumerator for iterating over unsafe memory
  • Added IntrinsicIL definitions for several operations
    • Requires TinyIL.Mono package
  • Added BitEnumerator32, BitEnumerator64, EnumMaskEnumerator and EnumBitEnumerator structs for enumerating over set bits/mask values
  • Added TypeIndex.GetAll for retrieving indices up an inheritance chain


  • Added conversion from UnsafeSpan to Span and ReadOnlySpan
  • Added conversion between UnsafeSpan<T> and UnsafeSpan<U>
  • Added Unsafe.IsAligned methods for checking value/pointer alignment
  • Added pointer alignment checks to critical aligned operations
  • Switch pointer-to-integral conversions to 32-bit on 32-bit machines
  • Added CastableAction and CastableEvent variants for 2, 3, and 4 parameters
  • Added RingBuffer.Quicksort shortcut for unmanaged element types
  • Added Profiling.AvgTime for averaging the duration for a set number of samples
  • Exposed Unsafe.AllocAligned(Arena)
  • Added MeshData.Vertex and MeshData.Index calls for modifying vertex and index values directly
  • Added Geom.SetTranslation for setting matrix translation
  • Added Geom.Forward/Up/Right shortcuts for faster quaternion-to-vector calculations


  • Disabled MethodInvocationHelper pointer specialization optimizations
  • ConsolePerformance no longer starts the profiler automatically
  • Profiling.Time is more accurate and can be run on non-main threads
  • RingBuffer.Compress no longer allocates memory in the case of split segments
  • AssetDBUtils.Find calls now return the most accurate result, not just the first one
  • Fixed accidental recursion in StringUtils.ToUpperInvariant
  • Fixed missed cases of using Comparer<T>.Default instead of CompareUtils.DefaultSort<T>()

Breaking Changes

  • RingBuffer.Compress renamed to RingBuffer.Linearize for consistency
  • Events no longer exposed to inspector for the following components:
    • CollisionListener/CollisionListener2D
    • TriggerListener/TriggerListener2D
    • PointerListener
    • RectTransformPinned

Version 0.9.9

1 Dec 2023

Hotfix for MethodInvocationHelper on IL2CPP platforms


  • Added rect-aware clamping mode to RectTransformPinned
  • Added experimental TRS.TryCreateFromMatrix


  • Fixed specialized method invocation from MethodInvocationHelper on IL2CPP platforms
  • Fixed potential overflow issue when calling Bits.IndexOf(Enum) with a 64-bit enum
  • Fixed erroneous inclusion of context argument in CastableEvent and ActionEvent unsafe delegate registration methods

Version 0.9.8

27 Nov 2023

Hotfix for out-of-range execution order values.

Version 0.9.7

27 Nov 2023

Hotfix for AttributeCache.Get


  • Reflect.FindAllAssemblies can now cache all loaded assemblies on IL2CPP builds


  • AttributeCache.Get now works correctly for non-MemberInfo inputs
  • SerializedAttributeSet.Read correctly skips over assemblies it could not find
  • Fixed Persist default execution order

Breaking Changes

  • SerializedAttributeSet.Read now requires a list of assemblies as input

Version 0.9.6

16 Nov 2023

Hotfix for StringHashing compilation error in non-debug builds


  • Added RegularPolyGraphic for rendering regular polygons
  • Support for function pointers in 2021.2+ in function wrappers and MethodInvocationHelper


  • Unsafe.Hash functions now use Murmur2 instead of FNV-1a
  • Added various Reserve extension methods for Dictionary, List, HashSet, and StringBuilder
  • Added tick rate conversion methods to Profiling
  • Added extension method polyfills for several Dictionary and HashSet methods present in .NET standard but not earlier versions
  • Added CameraHelper.GetStateHash and TransformHelper.GetStateHash for quickly checking camera and transform changes


  • Fixed StringHashing.DumpReverseLookupStats compilation error in non-debug builds
  • Fixed Unsafe.PinString(StringBuilder) to properly catch instances of chained StringBuilders

Version 0.9.5

14 Nov 2023


  • Added UnityHelper.IsPersistent for checking if an asset is a persistent asset
  • Added SceneHelper.GetLoadingState and SceneHelper.GetGUID for returning info about scenes
  • Added SerializedAttributeSet class for serializing reflection information
  • Added ReloadableRef<T> struct for references to assets with custom importers that may be reloaded during the editor
  • Added AssetOnlyAttribute property attribute for restricting an object reference to persistent objects only


  • Added optional Unity.Mathematics integration for several bit calls
  • Inlined some Reflect.Find enumerable calls for better performance
  • Some Reflect.Find calls can now make use of the editor type cache in the editor
  • Added StringHashing.DumpReverseLookupStats for writing reverse lookup table stats to console
  • Added StringHashReverseCacheInitialCapacityAttribute attribute for setting the initial capacity of the reverse lookup table
  • Added Unsafe.FormatBytes for formatting byte counts


  • Fixed several incompatibilities with Unity 2019

Breaking Changes

  • UnsafePtr.Ref renamed to UnsafePtr.AsRef

Version 0.9.4

1 Nov 2023

New time-bound execution utilities Fix for SceneReference serialization New Unsafe features


  • Added WorkSlider utility for time-bound execution of work queues
  • Added AttributeCache classes for caching attribute information
  • Added Unsafe.Clear for clearing memory to defaults


  • All versions of OffsetLength structs are now serializable
  • Added OffsetLength.Contains method to OffsetLength types for checking if value is within range
  • Improved RingBuffer and UnsafeSpan debugger views
  • Added BitSet.IsEmpty method
  • Avoid adding multiple dividers in a row to DMInfo
  • Added a few more common vertex formats to VertexUtility file
  • Added Unsafe.AllocSpan variant of Unsafe.AllocArray to directly return an UnsafeSpan
  • Added AllocArray and AllocSpan methods to Unsafe.ArenaHandle API
  • Added Unsafe.AllocatorFlags.ZeroOnAllocate for zeroing out allocated memory


  • Fixed potential data format inconsistencies when using SceneReference in build

Breaking Changes

  • Unsafe.Reinterpret(TFrom*) renamed in favor of Unsafe.FastReinterpret(TFrom*) to clarity reinterpretation method

Version 0.9.3

13 Oct 2023

Hotfix for incorrect Unsafe.Read behavior when arguments passed as ref

Version 0.9.2

28 July 2023

Hotfix for UniqueIdAllocator exception when exceeding initial capacity


  • DownloadHandlerUnsafeBuffer can be passed allocation and free delegates instead of a pre-allocated buffer
  • New AnimatorStateSnapshot class for storing and restoring Animator layer and parameter information
  • All versions of BitSet are now serializable


  • UniqueIdAllocator no longer throws an exception when reserving more identifier slots than initially allocated

Breaking Changes

  • All variants of Unsafe.Read/Write(string) renamed to Unsafe.ReadUTF8/WriteUTF8 for consistency

Version 0.9.1

29 June 2023

Hotfix for TypeIndex custom capacity

Version 0.9.0

29 June 2023

New collection types MeshData improvements


  • New BitSet structs for easier access to bit sets
  • New LruCache fixed-size cache type
  • New LLTable collection, for array-backed linked lists
  • New UniqueId, UniqueIdAllocator and UniqueIdMap classes for generating unique validatable handles for array-backed storage
  • CompareUtils.Default[...] can now use types marked with DefaultEqualityComparer and DefaultSorter attributes for their respective types
  • New Vectors utility class for sequentially transforming vectors and vectors embedded in structs
  • New OffsetLength struct and utilities for representing ranges of data in 1-dimensional arrays/buffers
  • New TypeIndex<T> utility for statically mapping types to indices (for faster array lookups)


  • Bits utilities now work on 64-bit integrals
  • Improved MeshData.Upload performance
  • Added MeshData.Topology, specified in constructor
  • MeshData can now transform ranges of vertices
  • Profiling.Time can now specify time units (milliseconds, microseconds, ticks)
  • Added callbacks to DMInfo for menu open and close
  • CameraHelper can now register global pre-cull, pre-render, and post-render handlers
  • VertexUtility.GenerateLayout also now returns size, attribute, and offset information


  • MeshData correctly calculates maximum vertices based on index format and vertex size

Breaking Changes

  • RingBuffer<T> is now a sealed class
  • CompareUtils.DefaultComparer<T> renamed to CompareUtils.DefaultEquals<T> to avoid conceptual naming conflicts with CompareUtils.DefaultSort<T>
  • MeshData.Add[Shape] returns an OffsetLength instead of the MeshData instance

Version 0.8.6

19 June 2023

New Mesh construction utilities Support for Slider control type in DMMenu


  • New MeshData16<Vertex> class for interleaved mesh construction
  • Added Slider control support to DMMenu
  • Added Push/Pop methods to arena allocator for more fine-grained freeing of memory
  • Added ArrayUtils.EnsureCapacity to match ListUtils.EnsureCapacity


  • Assert arguments are passed in using generics to avoid boxing
  • Added Quantization methods to MathUtils
  • Added endian swap methods to Unsafe
  • Added RingBuffer.MoveFrontToBack and similar methods for moving elements between head and tail


  • Fixed RNG.Shuffle(RingBuffer) call inference issue
  • UnityHelper.SafeDestroy can now correctly destroy runtime assets in editor
  • Important attributes like BindContext, BlockMeta and BlockContent now derive from PreserveAttribute

Version 0.8.5

14 March 2023

Hotfix for redundant ColorGroup update registration and memory leak Hotfix for RectTransformPinned update order

Version 0.8.4

6 March 2023

Hotfix for inverted RingBuffer.RemoveWhere behavior

Version 0.8.3

5 Feb 2023

Hotfix for CameraRenderScale rounding errors

Version 0.8.2

19 Dec 2022

Hotfix for rare RingBuffer crash New layout event listener Initialization optimizations


  • Added LayoutListener component for callbacks when layout building starts/stops
  • Added ActionEvent for a parameter-less version of CastableEvent


  • Added StringSlice and StringBuilderSlice versions of TMP_Text.SetText extensions


  • Fixed rare RingBuffer crash when compressing a full buffer and then pushing

Version 0.8.1

18 Nov 2022

Compilation error hotfix TextureRegion no longer supports tightly packed sprites

Version 0.8.0

17 Nov 2022


  • Added RoundedRectGraphic and EllipseGraphic
  • Shape graphics (Rect, RoundedRect, Ellipse, GradientRect) can now use a per-canvas "white pixel" sprite to improve batching
  • Added UnityHelper.Find, UnityHelper.IsAlive, and UnityHelper.Id for locating Unity objects by integer id.
  • Added Unsafe.Hash32 and Unsafe.Hash64 to perform FNV-1a hash on arbitrary buffers (and unmanaged structs)
  • Added NonBoxedValue for returning an unknown type without boxing built-in numerics
  • Added CameraHelper.AddOnPreCull, CameraHelper.AddOnPreRender, and CameraHelper.AddOnPostRender (along with corresponding Remove versions) for consistent camera callback mechanism between the default renderer and URP
  • Added CastableEvent for a CastableAction-compatible alternative to C#'s event mechanism


  • CastableFunc and CastableAction now support function signatures with the first parameter passed by reference.
  • StringUtils.ArgsList.Splitter made immutable and thread-safe
  • Added StringSlice.Unpack to extract string and region data
  • Added StringHash32.Fast for a non-cached hash (does not record reverse-lookup information)
  • MatchRuleSet.FindMatch now uses non-cached hash for lookups
  • Added Reflect.GetSignature to return a MethodSignature object
  • Added Geom.Remap(Vector2, Rect, Rect) and Geom.Remap(Vector3, Bounds, Bounds) for remapping points between regions
  • MethodCache can now generate delegates for common method signatures instead of relying solely on MethodInfo.Invoke
  • Added RingBuffer.RemoveWhere to remove elements passing a given predicate
  • Added RingBuffer.Find, RingBuffer.Exists, and RingBuffer.FindIndex for locating elements passing a given predicate


  • StringParser numeric parsing no longer allocates memory due to use of decimal
  • Scale calculations for CameraFOVPlane when in PixelHeight mode now account for rounding errors

Breaking Changes

  • Unsafe.FastReinterpret(TFrom*) removed in favor of Unsafe.Reinterpret(TFrom*)
  • TextHelper functions merged into CanvasHelper
  • Added IStringConverter.TryConvertToVariant for fast variant conversions
  • IMethodCache.TryInvoke now outputs a NonBoxedValue instead of object
  • IStringConverter.TryConvertTo now outputs a NonBoxedValue instead of object
  • TiledRawImage, ScrollTiledRawImage, RectGraphic, and GradientRectGraphic are now under the BeauUtil.UI namespace

Version 0.7.14

11 Oct 2022

Hotfix for ConsolePerformance stats formatting Improved MatchRuleSet performance and memory consumption Fixed Unsafe.Reinterpret for cases of casting to a type of greater size Implemented case-insensitive hash generation

Version 0.7.13

3 Oct 2022

Hotfix for SerializedHash32 incorrectly clearing hash when string has been stripped TagString TextEvent now reports visible text and rich text offset+length pairs Reduced garbage generated by string methods

Breaking Changes

  • MathUtil renamed to MathUtils for consistency

Version 0.7.12

4 Sept 2022

Hotfix for incorrect SerializedHash32 hashes being masked in editor Hotfix for BlockParser block error state not propagating correctly Added support for IGNORE_UNITY_EDITOR define to disable debug checks in editor

Version 0.7.11

29 Aug 2022

Hotfix for RectTransformPinned to handle objects behind camera Hotfix for CameraHelper.HeightForDistanceAndFOV calculation Memory "dump to string" utilities Reduced memory usage of debug font

Version 0.7.10

19 Aug 2022

Hotfix for CameraRenderScale.PixelHeight setter Improved consistency CameraFOVPlane.SetTargetPreserveFOV

Version 0.7.9

19 July 2022

Hotfix for StringUtils.Args.Splitter state corruption

Version 0.7.8

19 July 2022

Hotfix for Bits.Count hang

Version 0.7.7

18 July 2022

StringSlice.Split improvements for thread safety and better configurability


  • Added StringSlice.Split configuration option to limit number of slices
  • New Enums utility class to convert generic enums to/from integral types
  • Added methods in Bits utility class to operate on generic flag enums
  • New Batch utility class to group items together by batch id and dispatch callbacks on sets

Breaking Changes

  • Bits.ContainsMask renamed to Bits.ContainsAny
  • CharStreamParams factory methods contain an additional Owner argument, to ensure garbage collection doesn't sweep up source of pinned buffers


  • Using Colors.Hex in a static initializer will no longer crash


  • Improved thread safety of StringSlice.Split operations involving ISplitter
  • StringUtils.ArgsList.Splitter can now specify if quotes should be stripped from arguments

Version 0.7.6

12 July 2022

Fixed BlockParser leftover buffer corruption issues. Added additional StringBuilder argument to IBlockGenerator callbacks


  • Fixed CharStream.Insert occasional buffer corruption


  • Added StringBuilder argument to IBlockGenerator.TryEvaluatePackage and IBlockGenerator.TryEvaluateMeta as additional context

Version 0.7.5

10 July 2022

Updating for 2020.1+ compatibility. Adjusted CameraFOVPlane math for stability when altering clipping planes.

Breaking Changes

  • CameraHelper.TryGetDistance methods now return distance from the camera transform to the target plane, not the distance from the near clip plane to the target plane.


  • BlockParser no longer erroneously reports errors when setting content via a BlockContent attribute


  • Updated several classes to avoid compiler warnings/errors in Unity 2020.1+.

Version 0.7.4

21 June 2022

Critical bug fix in BlockParser for a stream insertion error.


  • IBlockParserUtil.InsertStream will properly defer processing on any unprocessed characters from the current stream


  • Implemented CharStream.InsertBytes and CharStream.InsertChars, making buffer types a proper deque

Version 0.7.3

20 June 2022

Unified character/byte stream interface. Implemented BlockParser streaming behavior.


  • Added CharStream to handle reading bytes/chars from streams, strings, arrays, and unmanaged memory
  • Overhaul of BlockParser parsing behavior for performance and memory usage


  • Added unsafe Quicksort implementation to Unsafe
  • Added unsafe methods for retrieving NativeArray instance pointers
  • Added StringBuilderSlice for slicing StringBuilder instances. Use with caution!
  • CustomTextAsset no longer caches the source string by default