- .editorconfig - Code editor should have editorconfig plugin installed to standardise the code.
- .eslintrc.js - This will help to validate the code to ensure all js scripts are enforced with rules that are specified in the file( eg: no-semicolon at the end of each line, restricted to single quotes etc..) and eslint ignore list of files which are below:
- node_modules/
- dist/
- test/tape.js
- .htmllintrc - This will help you to validate html files.
- .gitlab-ci.yml - This will help to check the configuration while deployment.
- LICENSE - Comicgen released under MIT License. this is to store the license agreement.
- eula.pdf - end user license agreement for comicgen power bi plugin.
- package.json - Configuration file for npm packages and dependencies.
- rollup.config.js - This file is used to compress the comicgen package which will compress the 'src/comicgen.js' to 'dist/comicgen.min.js' by using the plugin terser.
- Readme.md - This file contains the description of comicgen(content below the code files in https://github.com/gramener/comicgen)
docs - This is to store images of static content that are used to show under Readme.md file.
svg - This folder contains all the images that are related to comic charecters. All of the comic charecters are of the group of svg images that are combinig together and make a character. Not all the characters are having the same combination of svg images for example. aryan has emation, pose. But zoozoo has body and face. so based on the character we can find different combination of svg's.
src - Contains the script files where all the functionalities of comicgen resides.
test - This folder contains all the test scripts which will run by the package.json file before pushing into server.
scripts – There are two files under this folder listed below
- png.js - Puppeteer code which will open every svg file and capture the screenshot of comic character and save it as png. It is used for the 'ext' dropdown in the comic dashbord.
- compress.sh - This is used to compress all the svg and png files except three folders chinni, panda and zoozoo. These three are different by giving the user to capture the expression within a range insted of a fixed comic expression.
src - Contains the script files where all the functionalities of comicgen resides.
- src/characters.json - This file has comicgen character configurations. developer can edit this file to add new characters.
- defaults - There are some default options which can be used for comics with no options provided
- namemap - Comicgen.namemap maps the character name to the format. And these namemaps can be changed / extended. formats block will provide details of each map.
- format - Defines the format for characters. Each format has:",
- width: default width of the SVG container",
- height: default height of the SVG container",
- dirs: list of directory tree attrs. For example, ['angle'] means", that the file is under svg/$name/$angle/...",
- files: dict of {attr: filespec}. If the attr is set, draw the image", filespec is a dict of:",
- file: file template, where $<\var> is replaced by the value of var='...'"(example path: for ‘emotionpose’ map emotion file will be https://gramener.com/comicgen/svg/aryan/emotion/angry.svg),
- width: actual width of the SVG image",
- height: actual height of the SVG image",
- x: x-offset of the SVG image",
- y: y-offset of the SVG image"
- src/comicgen.js - This script is used to load the comic charecter pane(right-side pane) in https://gramener.com/comicgen/#?name=panda&face=0&ext=svg&mirror=&x=-53&y=146&scale=1&width=500&height=600 . When the user make changes in the selection it will call this file to get refreshed or updated comic data by calling 'comicgen()' function in comicgen.js file.
- import files.json for all the comic characters, import version from package.json and import defaults, namemap, formats from characters.json.
- comicgen():
Function has two attributes selector, options
Selector can be a string or node(s)
options will be the list of options that comicgen js use
- get selector : if selector is already ana element, it'll use selector with an array if the selector is a string or not a single element then it will run queryselector on the node so the selector will be the list of nodes. Once the selector array is ready with array of elements, the code is trying to add comics for each node by looping selector array.
- get attributes : attributes can be retrived from html attribute values, options parameter, defaults. if attributes are specified in the html it'll take them as first priority, if not found fetch for options in the function parameter, still not found then fetch for Defaults which are defined in the characters.json
- get format : Based on the name attribute, fetch the namemap format of the comic in character.json if the format is not found, then it'll return the error as name not found
- dir : Some of the comic characters have dir array having values, if values are missing in the attributes while having in dir it'll throw an error as 'missing attr in node'.
- mirror : if the mirror attribute is selected by user, the the translate variable get stored in the mirror else it'll store empty string(no need to do the transofrmation)
- Build svg :
create an area for comic to place by adding viewbox from attribute x and y(if specified or they will be defaut values), format width and height. Preserve aspect ratio will preserve the aspect ratio when there is a change in width and height.
It will create outerbox of svg and transformation(if mirror true, otherwise empty mirror with scale)
- get svg files : based on the user specfied attribute or defaults, fetch all the files for attribute(eg: for emotion fetch an emotion svg file ect..) to build the comic. get the file in format.files and replace all the attribute values into the url, get the image and create ana image inside svg by assigning the url to it.width and height, x and y will place the image in a apecified position. Close svg and g tags after creating everything.
- define base for comicgen from where it should load.
- src/characters.json - This file has comicgen character configurations. developer can edit this file to add new characters.