Ani.Rate is a personal full stack web project for rating anime using SpringBoot,Thymeleaf,MySQL and thirdParty API from Kitsu.
As an Ani.Rate user you can rate anime that you have already watched or you could just save new series that you haven't seen to your "Want to watch list".
From Code to the UI and graphics, all what is in this repo is made by me :).
After you successfully register and login to Ani.Rate main page will welcome you with an Random anime that you can already start ratting.
In your header you can navigate yourself to your own anime list where you can see all you rated / saved anime or you can track which anime you are currently watching for the saved list!
If you are not a fan of rating random generated anime, you can use search by category page, where you can with ease find anime by your chosed category.
For last, but not least you can see the top 6 anime from all user so you can, always know what show you can 100% recomend to your norime friend, that haven't seen nothing yet ;).
- The Back-end connects with the frontend through Thymeleaf library, so my controllers neither send or fetch JSONs.
Why did you decided to use Thymeleaf for this project?
I chose Thymeleaf for this small monolithic project because of its simplicity and native use. Also, I not gonna lie.. I feel confident in my Thymeleaf skills.
Parameter | Type | Description |
principal |
Principal |
Required. User authentication information. |
model |
Model |
Required. Spring framework model for view data. |
GET /user_list
Parameter | Type | Description |
principal |
Principal |
Required. User authentication information. |
model |
Model |
Required. Spring framework model for view data. |
POST /add_seen
Parameter | Type | Description |
principal |
Principal |
Required. User authentication information. |
animeDataDTO |
AnimeDataDTO |
Required. DTO containing anime data. |
dontAddToList |
Optional<String> |
Optional parameter indicating whether to add the anime to the list. |
seenAnime |
Optional<String> |
Optional parameter indicating whether the anime has been seen. |
POST /edit_anime
Parameter | Type | Description |
animeRatingDTO |
AnimeRatingDTO |
Required. DTO containing anime rating data. |
GET /top_rated_anime
Parameter | Type | Description |
principal |
Principal |
Required. User authentication information. |
model |
Model |
Required. Spring framework model for view data. |
POST /add_watching_anime
Parameter | Type | Description |
principal |
Principal |
Required. User authentication information. |
animeId |
Long |
Required. Id of the anime. |
POST /delete_anime
Parameter | Type | Description |
principal |
Principal |
Required. User authentication information. |
animeId |
Long |
Required. Id of the anime. |
POST /rate_anime
Parameter | Type | Description |
principal |
Principal |
Required. User authentication information. |
model |
Model |
Required. Spring framework model for view data. |
animeDataDTO |
AnimeDataDTO |
Required. DTO containing anime data. |
POST /edit_anime_rating
Parameter | Type | Description |
principal |
Principal |
Required. User authentication information. |
model |
Model |
Required. Spring framework model for view data. |
animeId |
Long |
Required. Id of the anime. |
GET /anime_categories
No parameters needed!
POST /search_anime
Parameter | Type | Description |
List<String> |
categories |
Required. User authentication information. |
model |
Model |
Required. Spring framework model for view data. |
GET /register
No parameters needed!
GET /login
No parameters needed!
POST /register
Parameter | Type | Description |
RegisterDTO |
registerDTO |
Required. User for registration data |
RedirectAttributes |
ra |
Required. For data redirection |
To easily and comfortly fetch Data form Kitsu API I used WebClient in my WebClientService and then I'm converting the fetch JSON string to FetchedAnimeDataDTO in my AnimeService class.
The id input is random generated int. Thats how my project fetch random Anime.
public Mono<String> fetchDataById(int id) {
return webClient.get()
public Mono<String> searchAnimeByCategories(List<String> categories) {
return webClient.get()
.uri("/anime", uriBuilder -> uriBuilder
.queryParam("filter[categories]", categories.toArray())
private FetchedAnimeDataDTO convertJson(String json) {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
JsonNode jsonNode = objectMapper.readTree(json);
JsonNode attributes = jsonNode.path("attributes");
return new FetchedAnimeDataDTO(
attributes.path("synopsis").asText("No description available"),
attributes.path("posterImage").path("medium").asText("No image available")
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
return null;
My security is bit simple. I just needed to hash passwords for new registered users and allow the not registred to see only the login page ( with css and images ). The spring security uses Principal to authenticated the currect user ( by using coockies ). My project does not have any other role then the User role and thats why there is no need for specific authorization.
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.authorizeHttpRequests(request -> request.requestMatchers("/login", "/register", "/Style.css","/images/AniRate_background.svg","/images/Title_ani.rate.svg")
.formLogin(form -> form.loginPage("/login")
.defaultSuccessUrl("/", true));
public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
In this project there are two classes with e2e test. First for testing whole project and the Second for Testing separete parts of the project. They test in the same way how I was testing the app manualy before I made them ( What a traumatic and dark past that was :,) ). Test are made with really pleasent to use PlayWrite libary.
- Ensure that the application is running.
- Navigate to the E2E testing directory.
cd com/example/animerating/e2e/tests
- Run Test for preferred test class
Tests for AnimeService and WebCliendService were made so I can check if the the thrid party data are fetching correctly and if the json is succsefully converted to FetchedAnimeDataDTO.
- Navigate to the Service testing directory.
cd com/example/animerating/services
- Run Test for preferred test class
This project is made with:
- Thymeleaf: View engine
- MySQL: Database
- Hibernate: ORM for working with data
- Spring Web: Web framework
- Spring Web Devtools: Development tools
- Playwright: End-to-End testing
- Spring Security: Security framework
To run this project you need to set your propereties, that you can find in to your aplication.propereties.
app.url= //here write you main url, so you can use e2e tests.
Also don't forget to set these implementation to your gradel, if for some reasone they would not be there in a first place or you accidently delete some of them.
Why Gradel and not Maven?
I know that maven is much "cooler" and suitable for larger projects, but for my small project with no indent for growing, I decided to use gradel!
dependencies {
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-webflux'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
developmentOnly 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools'
runtimeOnly 'com.mysql:mysql-connector-j'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security'
implementation 'org.thymeleaf.extras:thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity6'
testImplementation ''
testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'
testImplementation ''