Starling2022.r contains code use in creating figures for technical report
Starling2019.r contains code used for inline statistics and figures
Starling7.31.19.rmd (and Starling7.31.19.html) contains precomputed code used for an overview of the data
StarlingScratch.r contains miscellaneous code
Taxonomic bacterial communities table-with-taxonomy500.biom (rarefied to 500 reads) table-with-taxonomyNoR.biom (not rarefied) Phylogenetic tree StarlingTree7.31.19.nwk
Predicted functional communities OTU matrix StarlingPiCrustMatrixL2.txt
Group names StarlingPiCrustGroupsL2.csv
metadata StarlingMeta1.16.18.csv
metadata from 2022 StarlingMeta5.13.22.csv
Figures are given in the Figures/ folder
Text files show the relative abundance for sample groups based on either PICRUSt or taxonomy (Files with other have groups with low abundances grouped into an single group to facilitate plotting)