As of 21.2.2023 our test-period for Google Cloud has expired, meaning our Artifact Repositories for both develop and production
are no longer accessible. To setup and run/deploy the application the artifacts need to be released to an own registry
(e.g. by changing the action environment variables for GCLOUD_REGION
The values for image.repository
in the ruettel-chart or the ruettel-chart-local-values.yaml
then need to be adjusted accordingly.
(with local Postgres DB for FusionAuth)
To setup the application in Google Cloud with FusionAuth using a GCloud SQL DB see this.
This setup flow is also suitable for a deployment to the Kubernetes Engine of a Cloud Provider, the kubeconfig only needs to point to the K8s Cluster in the Cloud.
git clone
We recommend to start the local Cluster with a good chunk of memory, as otherwise running both SparkApplications and Kafka will result in Pods being killed (OOMKilled).
minikube start --cpus 5 --memory 8g
To use images from a private Artifact Registry (like our development and production Repositiories there) it is necessary to mount the K8s Pods with the required Google Cloud Credentials.
minikube addons enable gcp-auth
helm repo add spark-operator
helm repo add kong
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo add fusionauth
helm repo add bitnami
helm install spark spark-operator/spark-operator --namespace spark-operator --create-namespace -f spark-operator-values.yaml
helm install mongodb bitnami/mongodb -f mongodb-values.yaml -n shared --create-namespace
helm install kong kong/ingress -n kong --create-namespace
helm install pg-minikube --set auth.postgresPassword=admin bitnami/postgresql
helm install my-fusion fusionauth/fusionauth -f local-fa-values.yaml
helm install promstack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring --version 52.1.0 -f values-monitoring.yaml
helm upgrade kong kong/ingress -n kong --set gateway.serviceMonitor.enabled=true --set gateway.serviceMonitor.labels.release=promstack
kubectl apply -f kong-prometheus-plugin.yaml
!The ruettel-chart-local-values.yaml
needs to be adjusted before!
- Port Forward FusionAuth
- Access its UI in the browser
- Login with the values defined for the admin account in the kickstart property inside
- Go to
->Key Manager
- View the
key and copy both their public key entries - Replace the values for
) with their corresponding public key value - Proceed with the Application Chart Installation
helm install ruettel-chart ./ruettel-chart -f ruettel-chart-local-values.yaml --set image.tag=<your desired release version / latest>
kubectl -n monitoring port-forward services/prometheus-operated 9090 & kubectl -n monitoring port-forward services/promstack-grafana 3000:80 &
kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring promstack-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
export SVC_NAME=$(kubectl get svc --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl port-forward svc/$SVC_NAME 9011:9011
kubectl port-forward svc/mongodb-headless 27017:27017
kubectl describe sparkapplication spark-analysis -n premium
Get Logs of specific SparkApplication Job:
kubectl logs spark-analysis-driver -n premium
(with PostgresDB provided by GoogleCloud for FusionAuth - Reference)
- this will only work with a vpc native gke cluster as the created db will have no external endpoint
- when using terraform to setup the cluster it will be VPC_NATIVE by default per the configuration (see
export PROJECT_ID=<your-project-id>
export DB_NAME=<your-db-name>
export REGION=<your-gcloud-region>
Setup the database
gcloud beta sql instances create "${DB_NAME}" \
--project="${PROJECT_ID}" \
--database-version=POSTGRES_12 \
--tier=db-g1-small \
--region="${REGION}" \
--network=default \
Configure the default user
gcloud sql users set-password postgres \
--instance="${DB_NAME}" \
Verify installation
gcloud sql instances list
The following values need to be adjusted in fa-values.yaml:
(-> internal endpoint of the db)database.root.user
(-> postgres)database.root.password
(-> password you set up for the default user)database.user
- optionally:
if FusionAuth should not be configured manually
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster-name> --region europe-west6
- when querying data (either via the API of the QueryService or DataTransformer) the results will be written to Kafka
- the SparkStructured Streaming Analysis Service will aggregate the queried data in a streaming manner in two ways:
- Per Batch = Aggregations per Query of the user
- Complete = Aggregations are continuously updated for each incoming Query Data
- the results are then written to a mongodb collection and enriched with the tenantID and userID to only provide the analysis results to the user inside a tenancy who queried the data that was aggregated
- when accessing the ui the latest complete aggregations are fetched
- a socket connection to the project-management service is established to get the latest analysis results once they are written to the database
- this is done by establishing a Listener to the MongoDB Change Streams for each user (after authenticating the socket-connection)
- only inserts in the realtime-analytics collections that match the users id and his tenantid are listened to
- once a change streams event matches that criteria a message with the new analysis results is sent back to the client so it can be visualized
- every day at 8 a.m. a cron-job as a scheduled SparkApplication is run
- this job will aggregate the available data for each tenant in kafka (retention time = 1 week), report collection per tenant
- spark will compute metrics which can later be used for interesting statistical computation for basic predictions (e.g. probability for x events of a certain type happening in a row or probability of an event happening at a specific timestamp/time-range)
- each report can then be visualized in the Frontend and exported as a PDF
Non-transparent versions of the architecture images are available here.