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A dockerized version of Jenkins in the Gradle

An example Job DSL project that uses Gradle for building and testing and docker for an easy deployment of your Jenkins.

Attention: Currently some of the classes, tests and mechanics need some "love" and attempts to check if everything is working as assumed. This project is currently in an early pre-alpha phase. Every contribution is welcome so feel free to support me :-)

Script Examples

  • Example 1 - Simple "Hello World" Job that get`s seeded


To execute the existing tests use:

./gradlew test` runs the specs.

JobScriptsSpec] will loop through all DSL files and make sure they don't throw any exceptions when processed. All XML output files are written to build/debug-xml. This can be useful if you want to inspect the generated XML before check-in.

Seed Job

You can create the example seed job via the Rest API Runner (see below) using the pattern jobs/seed.groovy.

Or manually create a job with the same structure:

  • Invoke Gradle script
    • Use Gradle Wrapper: true
    • Tasks: clean test
  • Process Job DSLs
    • DSL Scripts: jobs/**/*Jobs.groovy
    • Additional classpath: src/main/groovy
  • Publish JUnit test result report
    • Test report XMLs: build/test-results/**/*.xml

Note that starting with Job DSL 1.60 the "Additional classpath" setting is not available when Job DSL script security is enabled.


Note: the REST API Runner does not work with Automatically Generated DSL.

A gradle task is configured that can be used to create/update jobs via the Jenkins REST API, if desired. Normally a seed job is used to keep jobs in sync with the DSL, but this runner might be useful if you'd rather process the DSL outside of the Jenkins environment or if you want to create the seed job from a DSL script.

./gradlew rest -Dpattern=<pattern> -DbaseUrl=<baseUrl> [-Dusername=<username>] [-Dpassword=<password>]

  • pattern - ant-style path pattern of files to include
  • baseUrl - base URL of Jenkins server
  • username - Jenkins username, if secured
  • password - Jenkins password or token, if secured

Getting started using Image from Docker Hub


File structure

├── jobs                            # DSL script files for the job(s)
├── resources                       # resources for DSL scripts
├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   ├──             
│   │   │     └── defaults          # Useful default methods for the creation of jobs/views
│   │   │     └── rest              
│   │   └── resources
│   │       └── idea.gdsl           # IDE support for IDEA
│   └── test
│       └── groovy ..               # specs
├── views                           # DSL script files for the view(s)
└── build.gradle                    # build file


API für die Jenkins-Job-DSL:


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