- update with differential analyses
- update with the visualization of the data tables with the DT package (datatable function)
- update with the ASVs plotted on the NMDS and db-RDA
- update with the dendrogram for the beta-div
- update with an explanation of the different beta-div indices
- update with the session info
- update with source tracker https://github.com/danknights/sourcetracker
- add the .R script file
- add names in venn diagramms. see plot (varp, digits = 2, Xnames = c('dose', 'cover'), bg = c('navy', 'tomato'))
- use facet_nested() from ggh4x package for spacing the nested panels in the barplots
- add the line of script to remove the se.chao1 in the alpha-div figure
- explain why not using phyloseq for the dbRDA plot
- next stept after variance partionining : Multivariate regression tree (MRT) with the mvpart package see: https://r.qcbs.ca/workshop10/book-en/multivariate-regression-tree.html