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Easy Term - vim plugin that makes using vim's :terminal feature easier to use.


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Easy Term

The Easy Term makes using vim's :terminal feature easier to use.



Use your favorite plugin manager. For example using vim-plug,

  • Add Plug 'BeomjoonGoh/vim-easy-term' in your vimrc, and
  • Run :PlugInstall.


  • Make aliases for opening the vim terminal emulator. For example, when opening a bash shell, you would want it to be a login shell so that bashrc is sourced. And if you also want the terminal buffer to go away after exiting bash, we have to type

    :terminal ++close bash --login

    and it quickly becomes unwieldy. Using :Term, alias can be set (such as an empty string, see easy_term_alias),

    let g:easy_term_alias[''] = 'bash --login'

    then just :Term will do that for you.

    Furthermore tab-completion is supported using the aliases,

    :Term <Tab>
    bash    ex    py3   zsh   ...

    Of course any lengthy command without defining alias can be directly passed to :Term as well:

    :Term whatever --with --option
  • :Term sets a few options for term_start(). Options such as term_finish, term_cols, are set.

  • tovim utility for Bash and Python, if you choose to use, can do a few useful things. For example, if you open a buffer inside the terminal using

    $ vim file.txt

    that instance of vim is inside of terminal and not so useful. In such case,

    $ tovim vs file.txt

    will vertically split open 'file.txt' in the parent vim.

  • Send texts from an open buffer to the terminal with a mapping. When working with a scripting language, often it is useful to test sections of the script. For example if you open an interactive Python in a terminal and in a python file, using <Plug>(EasyTermSendText) mapping on the lines

    a = 3
    print(1 + a)

    will send the lines to the terminal. The terminal would look something like

    >>> a = 3
    >>> print(1 + a)
  • Paste/Yank the last output of the terminal to an open buffer with a mapping using <Plug>(EasyTermPutLast), <Plug>(EasyTermYankLast).

Commands and Mappings


:Term[!] [{cmd}]

Split opens a vim terminal emulator window running {cmd}. The {cmd} is tested whether it is an alias defined in easy_term_alias.

When [!] is added, opens the terminal window using the current window

Any <mods> for spliting window can be used such as :vertical.

Usage Examples:

:Term bash
:vertical Term python3 -i

If you want to define additional commands with completion, for example Tterm that opens a terminal window in a new tab, put this in your vimrc:

command! -nargs=? -complete=custom,easy_term#Complete Tterm tab Term <args>


{mod} {rhs} Description
n, x <Plug>(EasyTermSendText) Send a line or selected text to terminal
n <Plug>(EasyTermPutLast) Paste last output of terminal to buffer
t <Plug>(EasyTermYankLast) Yank last output of terminal
n <Plug>(EasyTermCdVim) Change cwd of vim & shell to buffer's dir
t <Plug>(EasyTermCdTerm) Change cwd of shell to vim's cwd
t <Plug>(EasyTermCdSet) Make the current terminal primary

To use any of the mapping, add the following in your vimrc: {mod}map {lhs} {rhs}. For Example,

:nmap <Leader>p <Plug>(EasyTermPutLast)

See :help easy_term_usage for more information.

Communication between Vim and Terminal

Vim to terminal

Currently, there are three mappings for vim to terminal communication:

  • <Plug>(EasyTermSendText)
  • <Plug>(EasyTermCdVim)
  • <Plug>(EasyTermCdTerm)

Terminal to vim

To use this functionality, use :Term with

bash --rcfile {where_plugin_is}/scripts/
python3 -i {where_plugin_is}/scripts/

which is the default value of easy_term_alias.

For Bash, see

$ tovim help

For Python, see

>>> help(tovim)

See :help easy_term_communication for more information.


Available settings with its default values:

let g:easy_term_rows   = "50%"
let g:easy_term_cols   = "50%"
let g:easy_term_winfix = 1
let g:easy_term_alias  = {
    \ ''     : 'bash --rcfile scripts/',
    \ 'bash' : 'bash --rcfile scripts/',
    \ 'py3'  : 'python3 -i scripts/',
    \ 'ex'   : 'vim -e'

To overwrite an alias or add a new one, use any Dictionary modification method. Example:

let g:easy_term_alias = {}
let g:easy_term_alias['zsh'] = 'zsh -i'

See :help easy_term_settings for more information.


Under the MIT License. (c) Copyright 2020 Beomjoon Goh.


Easy Term - vim plugin that makes using vim's :terminal feature easier to use.








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