PHP Wrapper for the Yuki SOAP Webservice
Currently available
- Common Functions
- Sales (Invoicing)
- PettyCash (Import CSV files)
curl -s | php
php composer.phar require "bertmaurau/yuki-php-wrapper"
try {
$yuki = (new \Yuki())
-> setAccessKey(getenv('API_TOKEN'))
-> setAdministrationID(getenv('ADMINISTRATION_ID'))
-> authenticate();
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
echo $ex -> getMessage();
// Do stuffs here
Required: Session ID
Throws: InvalidSessionIDException
Returns: List of active administration models$yuki -> administrations();
Required: Session ID 1 Administration Name
Throws: InvalidAdministrationNameException
Returns: The ID of the administration$yuki -> getAdministrationIDByName($administrationName);
Required: Access Key
Throws: InvalidAccessKeyException$yuki -> authenticate();
AuthenticateByUserName (deprecated)
Required: UserName & Password
Throws: InvalidCredentialsException$yuki -> authenticateByUserName($userName, $password);
Required: Session ID
Throws: InvalidSessionIDException
Returns: List of active domain models$yuki -> domains();
Required: Session ID
Throws: InvalidSessionIDException
Returns: Returns current domain model$yuki -> getCurrentDomain();
Required: Domain ID
Throws: InvalidSessionIDException$yuki -> setCurrentDomain($domainId);
Required: array of Invoices
Throws: Exception & InvalidSessionIDException & InvalidAdministrationIDException & InvalidSalesInvoiceException$yuki -> processSalesInvoices($salesInvoices);
Required: Statement Text
Throws: Exception & InvalidSessionIDException & InvalidAdministrationIDException & InvalidStatementTextException$yuki -> importStatementCSV($statementText);
Required: StatementLine
Throws: Exception & InvalidStatementLineException$yuki -> importStatementLine(Model\StatementLine $statementLine);
Required: StatementLineProject
Throws: Exception & InvalidStatementLineException$yuki -> importStatementLineProject(Model\StatementLineProject $statementLineProject);
- getSessionID()
- setSessionID()
- getAdministrationID()
- setAdministrationID()
- getAccessKey()
- setAccessKey()
The next Exceptions can be thrown:
- InvalidAccessKeyException: When there is no Access Key set.
- InvalidAdministrationIDException: When there is no Administration ID set.
- InvalidAdministrationNameException: When there is no Administration Name provided to get the ID.
- InvalidCredentialsException: When there is no UserName or Password given (Deprecated).
- InvalidDomainIDException: When there is no Domain ID set.
- InvalidSessionIDException: When there is no Session ID set (Gets set after Authentication).
- InvalidStatementTextException: When there is no Statement Text provided for import.
- InvalidStatementLineException: When there is no Statement Line provided for import.
- InvalidValueTypeException: When given value doesn't match the required type.
- ModelNotFoundException: When the requested model was not found.
- NoAuthenticationResultException: When the Authenticate didn't return the expected results
- NonAllowedEnumValueException: When given value isn't within the allowed enum list values