An updated version of Liias' Monkey C plugin for Jetbrains IDEs. This plugin adds support for Monkey C language and Garmin Connect IQ SDK in IntelliJ IDEA.
Note that it isn't under super-active development, I'm only trying to get the most essential features working again with the latest IntelliJ version.
- (WIP) Monkey C grammar validation
- Syntax highlighting
- (WIP) Completion suggestions
- (WIP) Find usages / Go to declaration
- (WIP) Find by class or symbol name
- (WIP) API documentation provider
- (WIP) Method parameters info
- (WIP) Integration with compiler
- (WIP) Integration with simulator runner
- (WIP) Run unit tests
- (WIP) New project generation
- (WIP) App Settings support
- (WIP) Linux support (needs wine installed)
WIP - work in progress, means that there is some support, but it contains bugs or is incomplete
- Support creating publishable artifact
- Formatting
- Collapse/expand
- Resources Rez. support in code
- Refactoring
- Showing usage error on unresolved (in scope) references
- Support Android Studio
- SDK manager
- Download latest IDEA Community Edition (2020.2 or later). In Settings>Plugins search for this one and install.
- Create new project or open existing one
- Setup SDK and apply it to project
- Set target device etc
Most of the code was written by Liias, this fork restructured the code and makes it compatible with IntelliJ 2020.2.