diff --git a/Hamburg/HLC/RDW008.xml b/Hamburg/HLC/RDW008.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b13f494b5b --- /dev/null +++ b/Hamburg/HLC/RDW008.xml @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ + + + + + + Protective texts + + + Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg + + + Hiob-Ludolf-Zentrum für Äthiopistik + Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung / Beta maṣāḥǝft + Hamburg + + This file is + licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0. + + + + + + + Beta maṣāḥǝft + Fund RDW-008 + + + + + + + + + + <textLang mainLang="gez"/> + <note> + See the transcription of the text in <ref target="#text1part1"/>, <ref target="#text1part2"/>, + <ref target="#text1part3"/> <ref target="#text1part4"/>, <ref target="#text1part5"/> and <ref target="#text1part6"/>.</note> + </msItem> + + <msItem xml:id="ms_i2"> + <locus from="1v130" to="1v150"/> + <title type="complete" ref="LIT6497PPAynat"/> + <textLang mainLang="gez"/> + <note>See the transcription of the text in <ref target="#text2"/>.</note> + </msItem> + + </msContents> + + + <physDesc> + <objectDesc form="Scroll"> + <supportDesc> + <support> + <material key="parchment"/> + </support> + <extent> + <measure type="weight" unit="g">16</measure> + <note>Consists of <measure unit="strips">1</measure> strip.</note> + + <dimensions type="outer" unit="mm"> + </dimensions> + <dimensions type="outer" unit="mm" xml:id="strip1"> + <height>790</height> + <width>60</width> + </dimensions> + </extent> + <condition key="good"/> + </supportDesc> + + <layoutDesc> + <layout columns="1" writtenLines="6" corresp="#sec1"> + <note>Number of characters per line: 10.</note> + <dimensions unit="mm" xml:id="textarea1"> + <height>37</height> + <width>58</width> + </dimensions> + </layout> + + <layout columns="1" writtenLines="28" corresp="#sec3"> + <note>Number of characters per line: 9–11.</note> + <dimensions unit="mm" xml:id="textarea2"> + <height>167</height> + <width>56</width> + </dimensions> + </layout> + + <layout columns="1" writtenLines="26" corresp="#sec5"> + <note>Number of characters per line: 10–11.</note> + <dimensions unit="mm" xml:id="textarea3"> + <height>162</height> + <width>56</width> + </dimensions> + </layout> + + <layout columns="1" writtenLines="24" corresp="#sec7"> + <note>Number of characters per line: 10.</note> + <dimensions unit="mm" xml:id="textarea4"> + <height>145</height> + <width>57</width> + </dimensions> + </layout> + + <layout columns="1" writtenLines="16" corresp="#sec9"> + <note>Number of characters per line: 7–10.</note> + <dimensions unit="mm" xml:id="textarea5"> + <height>95</height> + <width>57</width> + </dimensions> + </layout> + + <layout columns="1" writtenLines="30" corresp="#sec10"> + <note>Number of characters per line: 8–11.</note> + <dimensions unit="mm" xml:id="textarea6"> + <height>185</height> + <width>57</width> + </dimensions> + </layout> + + <layout columns="1" writtenLines="21" corresp="#sec12"> + <note>Number of characters per line: 8–10.</note> + <dimensions unit="mm" xml:id="textarea7"> + <height>135</height> + <width>55</width> + </dimensions> + </layout> + </layoutDesc> + </objectDesc> + + <handDesc> + <handNote xml:id="h1" script="Ethiopic"> + <date notBefore="1800"/> + <desc>Mediocre hand unused to writing, irregular. No word dividers are used.</desc> + <seg type="ink">Red, black.</seg> + <seg type="script">Modern bulky script.</seg> + <seg type="rubrication">The entire text on <locus target="#1r"/> is written in red. On <locus target="#1v"/>, + red and black sections alternate.</seg> + </handNote> + </handDesc> + + <decoDesc> + <decoNote xml:id="d1" type="drawing"> + <desc>Bichrome drawing of two human faces.</desc> + <dimensions unit="mm"> + <height>45</height> + <width>55</width> + </dimensions> + </decoNote> + + <decoNote xml:id="d2" type="drawing"> + <desc>Bichrome drawing of a <ref type="authFile" corresp="AT1140SealSol"/>.</desc> + <dimensions unit="mm"> + <height>43</height> + <width>57</width> + </dimensions> + </decoNote> + + <decoNote xml:id="d3" type="drawing"> + <desc>Bichrome drawing of a human face surrounded by ornaments.</desc> + <dimensions unit="mm"> + <height>45</height> + <width>50</width> + </dimensions> + </decoNote> + + <decoNote xml:id="d4" type="drawing"> + <desc>Bichrome drawing of a <ref type="authFile" corresp="AT1140SealSol"/>.</desc> + <dimensions unit="mm"> + <height>56</height> + <width>58</width> + </dimensions> + </decoNote> + + <decoNote xml:id="d5" type="drawing"> + <desc>Bichrome drawing of an <term key="angel">angel</term>.</desc> + <dimensions unit="mm"> + <height>70</height> + <width>56</width> + </dimensions> + </decoNote> + + <decoNote xml:id="d6" type="drawing"> + <desc>Bichrome drawing of a <ref type="authFile" corresp="AT1140SealSol"/>.</desc> + <dimensions unit="mm"> + <height>62</height> + <width>60</width> + </dimensions> + </decoNote> + + </decoDesc> + </physDesc> + + <history> + <origin> + <origDate notAfter="1800"/> + </origin> + </history> + + <additional> + <adminInfo> + <recordHist> + <source> + <p>Natively encoded in TEI.</p> + </source> + </recordHist> + </adminInfo> + </additional> + + </msDesc> + </sourceDesc> + </fileDesc> + <encodingDesc> + <projectDesc> + <p>Encoded according to TEI P5 Guidelines.</p> + </projectDesc> + <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BetaMasaheft/Documentation/master/prefixDef.xml"> + <xi:fallback> + <p>Definitions of prefixes used.</p> + </xi:fallback> + </xi:include> + </encodingDesc> + <profileDesc> + <textClass> + <keywords scheme="#ethioauthlist"> + <term key="ChristianLiterature"/> + <term key="Magic"/> + <term key="Prayers"/> + </keywords> + </textClass> + <langUsage><language ident="en">English</language><language ident="gez">Gǝʿǝz</language> + <language ident="am">Amharic</language></langUsage> + </profileDesc> + <revisionDesc> + <change who="DR" when="2021-07-14">Created record</change> + <change who="DR" when="2024-12-02">Completed description</change> + </revisionDesc> + </teiHeader> + <text xml:base="https://betamasaheft.eu/"> + <body> + + <div type="edition"> + <div type="textpart" subtype="recto"> + + <div type="textpart" subtype="section" n="1" xml:id="sec1"> + <div type="textpart" subtype="text" n="1" corresp="#ms_i1" xml:id="text1part1"> + <ab> + <pb n="1r"/> + <lb n="1"/><hi rend="rubric">በስመ አብ ወወልድ + <lb n="2"/>ወመን<gap reason="lost"/>ስ ቅዱስ + <lb n="3"/><gap reason="illegible"/> አምላክ ጸ + <lb n="4"/>ሎት በእንእንተ ሕማ + <lb n="5"/>መ ዓይነት ወዓነ ዛር + <lb n="6"/>በስመ እግዚአብሔር</hi> + <lb n="7"/>ሕያ + </ab> + </div> + </div> + + <div type="textpart" subtype="section" n="2" xml:id="sec2"> + <div type="textpart" subtype="picture" n="1" xml:id="pic1" corresp="#d1"/> + </div> + + <div type="textpart" subtype="section" n="3" xml:id="sec3"> + <div type="textpart" subtype="text" n="1" corresp="#ms_i1" xml:id="text1part2"> + <ab> + <lb n="8"/><hi rend="rubric">ው ነባቢ ወፈጣሪ ጸሎ + <lb n="9"/>ቱ ለቅዱስ ሱስንዮስ በ + <lb n="10"/>እንተ አሳሰሎተ ደዌ + <lb n="11"/>እምሕፃናት እለ ይጠ + <lb n="12"/>በው ጥባ እሞሙ ወ + <lb n="13"/>ይባቁዓ አጺላ ብእሲት + <lb n="14"/>ፅንሰት ዘኢየሐይው ላቲ + <lb n="15"/>ሕፃናት ታጽሕፍ ወታ + <lb n="16"/>ታሰቅሎ ላዕሌሃ ወይ + <lb n="17"/>በቁዓ በረድየተ እግቡ + <lb n="18"/>ዚአብሔር ልዑል ወክ + <lb n="19"/>ቡር ሰሙ እስከ ለዓለ + <lb n="20"/>መ ዓለም አሚን ጸሎ + <lb n="21"/>ቱ ወበረከቱ ለቅዱስ + <lb n="22"/>ሱስንዮስ የሃሉ ምስ + <lb n="23"/>ፍቁሩ ለዓለመ ዓለ + <lb n="24"/>ም ዓሜን ወሀሎ ፩ + <lb n="25"/>ብእሲ ዘስሙ ሱስን + <lb n="26"/>ዮስ ወአወቦ ለብእሲት + <lb n="27"/>ወወለደ ወልደ ተባዕ + <lb n="28"/>ተ ወበቀማይ ወል + <lb n="29"/>ዱ መጽአት ውርዝል + <lb n="30"/>ያ ወቀተለቶ <add place="above">ለወልዳ</add> ወሖረት + <lb n="31"/>ወከልሐት ወአውየወ + <lb n="32"/>ወትወሶ በስምዓ ቅዱ + <lb n="33"/>ስ ሱስንዮስ ወይቤላ + <lb n="34"/>ለምንት ያበክየኪ + <lb n="35"/>ብእሲ</hi> + </ab> + </div> + </div> + + <div type="textpart" subtype="section" n="4" xml:id="sec4"> + <div type="textpart" subtype="picture" n="2" xml:id="pic2" corresp="#d2"/> + </div> + + <div type="textpart" subtype="section" n="5" xml:id="sec5"> + <div type="textpart" subtype="text" n="1" corresp="#ms_i1" xml:id="text1part3"> + <ab> + <lb n="36"/><hi rend="rubric">ቶ ወትቤሎ እስመ ዝ + <lb n="37"/>ልያ መጽአት ወቀተ + <lb n="38"/>ለቶ ለወልድየ ወሶ + <lb n="39"/>በ ሰምዓ ቅዱስ ሱስ + <lb n="40"/>ንዮስ ተፅዕነ ዲበ ፈ + <lb n="41"/>ረሱ ወነሰሦ አኩናቶ + <lb n="42"/>ወሖረ መምሥራቅ + <lb n="43"/>መንገሊሃ፡ ወረከባ ለ + <lb n="44"/>አራጊት ነቢራ ላዕለ + <lb n="45"/>ኖኅት ወይቤላ አይ + <lb n="46"/>ቲ ሖረት ውርዝልያ ወ + <lb n="47"/>ትቤሎ ቦአት ውስተ<gap reason="illegible"/> + <lb n="48"/>ነት ዘሀሎ በቅድሜከ + <lb n="49"/>ወሶቤሃ ሖረ ወረከባ ለ + <lb n="50"/>ውርዝልያ ነቢራ ላዕለ + <lb n="51"/>የም ወየአውድዋ ብ + <lb n="52"/>ዙኃን አጋንንት ወቆ + <lb n="53"/>መ ላዕሌየ ቅዱስ ሱስ + <lb n="54"/>ንዮስ ወረደ እምላዕ + <lb n="55"/>ለ ፈረሱ ወሚጠ ገጾ ሰ + <lb n="56"/>መንገለ ምሥራቅ ወ + <lb n="57"/>ገደ በብረኪሁ ወሰፍ + <lb n="58"/>ሐ እደዊሁ ወሰአለ ኀበ + <lb n="59"/>እግዚአብሔ እንዘ ይ + <lb n="60"/>ብል እግዚ እወ አም + <lb n="61"/>የለኪ የ</hi> + </ab> + </div> + </div> + + <div type="textpart" subtype="section" n="6" xml:id="sec6"> + <div type="textpart" subtype="picture" n="3" xml:id="pic3" corresp="#d3"/> + </div> + + <div type="textpart" subtype="section" n="7" xml:id="sec7"> + <div type="textpart" subtype="text" n="2" corresp="#ms_i1" xml:id="text1part4"> + <ab> + <lb n="62"/><hi rend="rubric">ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ አም + <lb n="63"/>ላኮሙ ለክርስቲያን + <lb n="64"/>ወንጉሦሙ ለነገሥ + <lb n="65"/>ት ወሶበ ቦአት ውርዝ + <lb n="66"/>ልያ ውስተ እደዊ እት + <lb n="67"/>ምቀልክዎ ከመ ኢ + <lb n="68"/>ትቅትል ሕፃናተ ወ + <lb n="69"/>ከመዘ ኢትቅረብ ኀ + <lb n="70"/>በ በነፍስየ አንስት + <lb n="71"/>ወኃበ አምታቲሆን + <lb n="72"/><add place="above">ወ</add>አንሰ አሐውር ወእከ + <lb n="73"/>ውን ሰማእተ በእንተ + <lb n="74"/>ስምከ ቀዱስ ወእን + <lb n="75"/>ዘ ይስአል ከመዝ ሰ + <lb n="76"/>ምዓ ቃለ እምሰማ + <lb n="77"/>ይ እንዘ ይብል ኦሱስ + <lb n="78"/>ንዮስ ናሁ ተሰምሮ + <lb n="79"/>ጸሎትከ ወተውበከ + <lb n="80"/>ሥልጣን እምነህበ እ + <lb n="81"/>ግዚአብሔር ከመ ት + <lb n="82"/>ንሥአ ለውርዝልያ + <lb n="83"/>ወትንሥኣ ወትቅት + <lb n="84"/>ላ ወተግባረ ኩሎ + <lb n="85"/>ከ ዘፈቀድ</hi> + </ab> + </div> + </div> + + <div type="textpart" subtype="section" n="8" xml:id="sec8"> + <div type="textpart" subtype="picture" n="4" xml:id="pic4" corresp="#d4"/> + </div> + + <div type="textpart" subtype="section" n="9" xml:id="sec9"> + <div type="textpart" subtype="text" n="" corresp="#ms_i1" xml:id="text1part5"> + <ab> + <lb n="86"/><hi rend="rubric">ወሶበ ሰምአ ቅዱስ + <lb n="87"/>ሱስንዮስ ተፅፅነ ዲ + <lb n="88"/>በ ፈረሱ ወነስአ ኩና + <lb n="89"/>ት በየማኑ ወረገጸ ገ + <lb n="90"/> ቦ ሃበ የማኑ የዘየማ + <lb n="91"/>ን ወይእቲእቲኒ ሰገ + <lb n="92"/>ደት ቅድሜሁ እንዘ + <lb n="93"/>ዘትብል እግዚእየ + <lb n="94"/>ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስስ + <lb n="95"/>ወሱስንዮስ አመሕ + <lb n="96"/>ለከ በ፱ፆታ መዓረ + <lb n="97"/>ግ ዘሊቃነ መላ ሜካ + <lb n="98"/>ኤል ወገብርኤል ሱ + <lb n="99"/>ራፌ ወኪሩቤ ሱ + <lb n="100"/>ልሱራኤል ወሩፋ + <lb n="101"/>ቤልኤል ወኪሩ</hi> + </ab> + </div> + </div> + </div> + + <div type="textpart" subtype="verso"> + + <div type="textpart" subtype="section" n="10" xml:id="sec10"> + <div type="textpart" subtype="text" n="" corresp="#ms_i1" xml:id="text1part6"> + <ab> + <pb n="1v"/> + <lb n="102"/><hi rend="rubric">ኡራኤል ወሩፋኤ + <lb n="103"/>ል አናንንያ ወአዛር + <lb n="104"/>ያ ወሚሳኤል እለ እ + <lb n="105"/>ሙንቱ ይቀውሙ + <lb n="106"/>ቅድመ እግዚአብ + <lb n="107"/>ሔር፡ አኃዚ ኩሉ ዘ + <lb n="108"/>ልፈ እስከ ለዓለመ + <lb n="109"/>ዓለም ወመሐለት + <lb n="110"/>ውርዝልያ እስመ በ + <lb n="111"/>ስመ ሥላሴ ቅዱስ + <lb n="112"/>ት ከመ ኢትቅረብ</hi> + <lb n="113"/>ኀበ አንስት ወኃበ እዐ + <lb n="114"/>መታቲሆን ወኀበ + <lb n="115"/>ኩሎ ዘያፀውር ጽ + <lb n="116"/>መሐፈ ገጽልክ አእ + <lb n="117"/>መሃ ተባዕተ ወመ + <lb n="118"/>ሄ አንስት አው፡ ል + <lb n="119"/>ሂቅ አው ሕፃን አ + <lb n="120"/>ው ወሬዛ ወዘሀሎ + <lb n="121"/><hi rend="rubric">በስተ ከርሠ እሙ + <lb n="122"/>ወቅዱስ ሱስንየስ + <lb n="123"/>ሰማዕተ ኮነ በእን + <lb n="124"/>ተ ስመ እግዚእነ + <lb n="125"/>ኢየሱስ ክርስቶ + <lb n="126"/>ስ ሎቱ ስብሐት እ + <lb n="127"/>ስከ ለዓለመ ዓለ + <lb n="128"/>ም ዓሜን፡ ለአመ + <lb n="129"/>ትኪ ወለተ ኂሒሂ + <lb n="130"/>ወትሕ + <lb n="131"/>የርፋ የርፋ</hi> + </ab> + </div> + </div> + + <div type="textpart" subtype="section" n="11" xml:id="sec11"> + <div type="textpart" subtype="picture" n="6" xml:id="pic6" corresp="#d6"/> + </div> + + <div type="textpart" subtype="section" n="12" xml:id="sec12"> + <div type="textpart" subtype="text" n="" corresp="#ms_i2" xml:id="text2"> + <ab> + <lb n="130"/><hi rend="rubric">በስመ አብ ወወል + <lb n="131"/>ድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱ + <lb n="132"/>ስ አሐዕ አምላክ + <lb n="133"/>ጸሎት በእንተ ሕ + <lb n="134"/>ማመ ዓይነት ባ + <lb n="135"/>ርያ ወሌጌዎን ዛ + <lb n="136"/>ር ወቁራኛ ቡዳ + <lb n="137"/>ወቁመኛ መር + <lb n="138"/>በብተ ሰሎሞን + <lb n="139"/>ዘከመ ረበቦ ዘከ</hi> + <lb n="140"/>መ ረበቦሙ ለአጋን + <lb n="141"/>ንት ከመ መርበብ + <lb n="142"/>ተ ዓዓሣ ዘባሕር ኤል + <lb n="143"/>ኪአሰኪና ሚሰአና + <lb n="144"/>ሚሰአና ምዓስአና + <lb n="145"/>ሚኤል ዓላ መረቡ + <lb n="146"/>ዋሊፍ አሊፍ ጸልላ + <lb n="147"/>እግ<hi rend="rubric">ዚኦ በአክናፍ + <lb n="148"/>እምጸላኢ ወጸ<gap reason="illegible"/> + <lb n="149"/>ፍም ወአም <gap reason="illegible"/> + <lb n="150"/>ምመምሦዣ</hi> + </ab> + </div> + </div> + </div> + </div> + </body> + </text> +</TEI>