diff --git a/Lucerne/MsEth1.xml b/Lucerne/MsEth1.xml index 41ddef6b59..5712958835 100644 --- a/Lucerne/MsEth1.xml +++ b/Lucerne/MsEth1.xml @@ -33,12 +33,15 @@ schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?>Ms Eth 01 (placeholder shelfmark) - Leporello with prayers፡ + Leporello with prayers - Protective prayer - - - Protective prayer + + <incipit xml:lang="gez"><hi rend="rubric">በስመ፡ አብ፡</hi><gap reason="ellipsis" unit="lines" quantity="2"/> ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ + ልሳነ፡ ሰብእ፡ ዘመድ፡ ወባዕድ፡ ምቀኛ፡ ወተንኮሊኛ፡ <hi rend="rubric">ናሁ፡ ተማኅ<supplied reason="lost">ፀ</supplied>ንኩ፡ በኆኅያተ፡ + ስምከ፡</hi> ካፍ፡ ወበቀዳማይ፡ የውጣ፡ ዘጥንተ፡ ፊደሉ፡ አሌፍ፡</incipit> + <explicit xml:lang="gez"><hi rend="rubric">ኦእ<hi rend="ligature">ግዚ</hi>ኦ፡ ዕቀቦ፡ ወአድኅኖ፡ እምልሳነ፡ ዘ</hi>መድ፡ ወባዕድ፡ + ምቀኛ፡ ወተንኮለኛ። <pb/>ፍልፀተ፡ ወቍርፀት፡ ውጋት፡ ወቍርጥማት፡ ወእምኵሉ፡ ሕማም፡ <hi rend="rubric">ዕቀቦ፡ ወአድኅኖ፡ እምዓይነ፡ ብእሲ፡ ወብእሲት፡ + ለገብርከ፡ <persName ref="PRS14226WaldaIyasus">ወልደ፡ ኢያሱስ፡ ከበደ፡ ይርሳው</persName></hi></explicit> </msItem> </msContents> <physDesc> @@ -48,33 +51,47 @@ schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?><?xml-model href="https://ra <material key="parchment"/> </support> <extent> - <measure unit="leaf">12</measure> - <note>dimensions for the folded book</note> + <measure unit="leaf">3</measure> + <measure unit="page">26</measure> + <note>3 leaves, bound and folded to 27 pages, the last page being glued and bound to the back board and not counted in this + description. Dimensions refer to the folded book.</note> <dimensions type="outer" unit="mm"> <height>52</height> <width>42</width> - </dimensions> </extent> - <foliation></foliation> - <condition key="good"></condition> + <foliation>No foliation</foliation> + <collation>Three slender pieces of parchment have been tied together and folded into 27 pages, the first and the last of which + are attached to the cover and left blank. Written on both sides.</collation> + <condition key="good"/> </supportDesc> - - </objectDesc> - <handDesc><handNote xml:id="h1" script="Ethiopic"></handNote></handDesc> - - + <layoutDesc> + <layout columns="1" writtenLines="10"/> + </layoutDesc> + </objectDesc> + <handDesc> + <handNote xml:id="h1" script="Ethiopic"> + <desc>Long and slender script; ligature of <foreign xml:lang="gez">ግዚ</foreign>.</desc> + <seg type="script">Script of the 19th or 20th century</seg> + <seg type="ink">Black, red</seg> + <seg type="rubrication">Incipits, name of the owner</seg> + </handNote> + </handDesc> + <bindingDesc> + <binding contemporary="Ethiopian"> + <decoNote xml:id="b1" type="Boards">Two wooden boards, tied to the parchment with a leather cord.</decoNote> + <decoNote xml:id="b2" type="bindingMaterial"><material key="wood"></material></decoNote> + </binding> + </bindingDesc> </physDesc> <history> <origin> - - <origDate notBefore="1800" notAfter="1900">nineteenth century (?) </origDate> + <origDate notBefore="1850" notAfter="1950">Second half of 19th to first half of the 20th century</origDate> </origin> - <provenance>Schenkung stammt aus der Sammlung von Silvia und Walter Frei (Luzern)</provenance> + <provenance>Donation to the library from the collection of <persName ref="PRS14224SilviaFrei">Silvia</persName> + and <persName ref="PRS14225WalterFrei">Walter Frei</persName> from Bern</provenance> </history> - </msDesc> - </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc>