Just one Beyonder's Shell Cheat Sheet...
What to do | What it does |
Ctrl ⌃ + C | Cancel job |
reset |
fix jank |
Cmd ⌘ + K | Klear the Konsole |
or Ctrl ⌃ + L | cLear the consoLe |
Ctrl ⌃ + D | Done (enD of file) |
# Goal: Install dev tools
The tools make the man, so install not just the necessary tools, but the best tools:
| What to do | What it does | Comment |
| ----------------------------------------: | :----------: | :------ |
| x | y | z |
| <kbd>Shift ⇧</kbd> + <kbd>Alt ⌥</kbd> + ' | Prints "Æ" | wow |
1. Install Core Dev Tools:
- Mac
# install xcode command line tools
xselect --install
- Linux
# install linux dev tools
sudo apt install -y fish git vim curl
2. Install Extra Dev Tools:
curl https://webi.sh/ | sh
source ~/.config/envman/PATH.env
webi fish
webi vim-essentials
3. Learn