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Here are the instructions for getting started with the project:


Step 0: Download the project in a local directory/folder.

Step 1: Create a virtual environment in the project and then activate it

a. Open the directory where the project is stored in your terminal.

b. Run: pip install virtualenv  
        Installs the compnonents needed to create a virtual environment in your current directory.

c. Run:  virtualenv env
        Creates a virtual environment with the name env in your current directory. It can be actually named anything that you like, some common names are venv and env.

d. Run: source env/bin/activate
        It changes the current environment from base to env. After this step you should see that the word env or your environment's name is located inside brackets. That shows that you are now using the env environment.

e. Run: deactivate
        This command deactivates the current virtual environment env and should go to base virtual environment. The next steps (Step 3) should be followed in the base virtual environment until the steps ask to activate the env virtual environment.

Step 2: Now our next step is to turn on the Redis server: a. Run: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" This command downloads components needed to succesfully install redis.


c. Run: brew install redis
        This step installed all the components to activate the redis server.
d. Run: redis-server --port 8097 
        This step turns on the redis-server --port for this project because the localhost port # is 8097.

e.  Activate the env virtual environment again. Run: redis-cli -p 8097 ping
        After running the above command 

Step 3: Install Flask SSE, gunicorn, and gevent.

a. Run: pyvenv sse
        This command downloads the flask sse components in the project directory.

b. Run: pip install flask-sse gunicorn gevent
        This command downloads the gunicorn and gevent components in the project directory.
c. Run: pip install --upgrade gensim
        This command installs the genism components in your project directory.
d. Run: pip install elasticsearch==7.15.2
        This command installs the elasticsearch of version 7.15.2 (Version is important for the search engine to work) components in your project directory.

Step 4: Make sure you are in the project's directory and the env virtual environment is activated before running the commands below.

a. Run: npm install
        This command installs the node modules directory in the local machine, which will be used to succesfully install the gulp components.

b. Run: npm install --global gulp-cli
        This command installs the gulp components in the local machine.     

b. Run: cd pdf.js/build/generic/web
        This command makes the terminal to activate this web directory.

c. Run: gulp server
        This command then Activates the gulp server in the web directory.
d. TROUBLESHOOT: If you have trouble running gulp server then run: npm update
    This step basically upgrades the gulp compnonents incase they weren't downloaded to its full potential.

Step 5: Run the program in the local machine

a.Run: gunicorn edwb_app_intro:app --worker-class gevent --bind

b. TROUBLESHOOT: If the machine lags and runs forever then run: gunicorn edwb_app_intro:app --worker-class gevent --bind --timeout 600
    This allow the local host to load everything in a limited time frame.
Additional components for successfully uploading the project in your computer:
Downloading the following folders from Google Drive and place them in your project's directory:
1. static
2. pdf.js

* Please note that some of the folders are large and may need some time to download.


We will go over how the installation steps for Windows differ from those of Apple.

Step 1: Download the project in a local directory/folder (same as above).

Step 2: Install gulp and redis

a. Run: npm intall --save npm-git-install
    a.1. Verify successful installation by running: gulp --version
b. Run: 
    b.1. curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg
    b.2. echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/redis.list
    b.3. sudo apt-get update
    b.4. sudo apt-get install redis
c. Start redis server by running: sudo service redis-server start

d. Test that redis server is running by connecting with cli:
    d.1. redis-cli> ping

Step 3: Install Flask SSE, gunicorn, and gevent (same as above)

a. Run: pyvenv sse

b. Run: pip install flask-sse gunicorn gevent

Step 4: Install wsl and ubuntu:

a. Run: sudo apt install net-tools

b. Run: sudo apt install wsl

c. Run: wsl --install -d Ubuntu

Running EduWeb on local machine:

Step 1:

a. In a new Ubuntu terminal, cd into pdf.js/build/generic/web

b. Run the command: gulp server
    b.1. gulp ensures that the lecture slides appear on the website

Step 2:

1. In a separate Ubuntu terminal, run: sudo service redis-server start 

2. In the same Ubuntu terminal, cd into web directory (usually a path beginning with /mnt/c/Users). Then run: redis-server --port 8097
    2.a. This starts up redis

Step 3:

a. In a separate Ubuntu terminal, cd into wherever you saved the web directory (usually a path beginning with /mnt/c/Users)

b. Kill redis (ctrl c in the Ubuntu terminal where you started redis)

c. Run the following command in the separate Ubuntu terminal: gunicorn edwb_app_intro:app --worker-class gevent --bind
If the program times out, run: gunicorn edwb_app_intro:app --worker-class gevent --bind --timeout 600
This means the program will run for 600 extra seconds before timing out. Feel free to increase this number to allow for more time.

Step 4:

a. To allow for functionality of search bar(s), connect to

Note on data/model-related files:

Since GitHub has file size limits, we cannot upload some of the data and model-related files to GitHub. They must be uploaded separately (for instance, via Google Drive). You may have to download these files separately (please contact one of the owners for more details).