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"PGlife: Your student accommodation solution. User-friendly interface, advanced tech. Say goodbye to search stress. #PGlife #StudentHousing"

Hey! There To Run This Project You Have To Follow These Steps I've mentioned below.

  1. First, You must install the Xampp Control Panel from the Internet.

  2. After installing the Xampp Open its folder in C Drive With Xampp name and in Xampp there is htdocs folder, selects htdocs folder.

  3. Now Download this Project Zip file and Drop it In htdocs folder.

  4. After that, open the Xampp Control Panel application and start the Apache and MySQL services.

  5. Now You have to create a database for this project For that click on the MySQL admin in the control panel.

  6. The mySql page is open on the web now create there Database with the name "pglife" in MySQL with this query "CREATE DATABASE pglife; " and hit the ok button this will create the database with the name pglife . now selects pglife database folder and selects import and selects database folder on our project file with pglife.sql. This Process will create database related to Project.

  7. Now ALL The setup is done.

  8. To start the website on your local host,first start Apache service and my SQL service on the XAMPP control panel and then

  9. Go to the web browser and write their localhost/(Here folder or main file path in our case that is index.php in PGLife folder so )

  10. localhost/PGLife/index.php (This will host your website on your local host)

  11. For Any Project Related query you can contact me on LinkedIn or on Instagram @catchyprogrammer

  12. by message write "PGLife query"

  13. Thanks Also follow me on GitHub and other social platforms