Pac-Man is a straightforward and easy to use Django handled search / inventory system. That leverages Docker to handle mico-service architecture
(full gui install) docker-desktop
(lightweight install) docker-cli docker-compose docker
Before you bring anything up, the following needs to be done : (x) - Edit /pacman/ Change the ALLOWED_HOSTS, to include the domain name EX : Change the CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS, to include domain name !MAKE SURE TO HAVE http and https versions added! EX : &
Bringing up the docker containers is a straightforward and thankfull very hands-off process start by :
cd /Pac-Man/
From here, all you need to do is : docker network create --attachable --subnet --gateway deezNuts docker compose up -d
If you cannot connect to localhost:8000 right away, dont worry about it, the docker database may take >5min to bring up, especially on a hard-drive. If you want to watch the startup live, run :
docker ps
From here, find the ID of the container named "pacman" and paste it into here
docker logs <container-id> -f
Pacman waits until a connection to mysql can be made, once that is complete, it will begin migrating and spin up the server, Error code 0 will be displayed with the server is ready to start Once the terminal reads : "Watching for file changes with StatReloader", the server is up, and can be connected to as [localhost:8000]
Every time the pacman container is started, the admin account is created, this is to make sure that there is always a way in, when running in production make sure to create a new account for login, then remove the admin account