You can:
- Get verification codes (by SMS or VOICE);
- Verify the verification codes
You need to verify the phone number you want to use to send messages to your customers. Phone numbers must be verified through SMS/voice call. The verification process can be done through this library.
See the examples:
WhatsappApiFactory factory = WhatsappApiFactory.newInstance(TOKEN);
WhatsappBusinessManagementApi whatsappBusinessManagementApi = factory.newBusinessManagementApi();
var response = whatsappBusinessManagementApi.requestCode(PHONE_NUMBER_ID, new RequestCode(CodeMethodType.SMS, LanguageType.EN_US));
WhatsappApiFactory factory = WhatsappApiFactory.newInstance(TOKEN);
WhatsappBusinessManagementApi whatsappBusinessManagementApi = factory.newBusinessManagementApi();
var response2 = whatsappBusinessManagementApi.verifyCode(PHONE_NUMBER_ID, new VerifyCode("0000"));
See full examples here