Package to calculate several thermal comfort indices (e.g. PMV, PPD, SET, adaptive) and convert physical variables.
Please cite us if you use this package: Tartarini, F., Schiavon, S., 2020. pythermalcomfort: A Python package for thermal comfort research. SoftwareX 12, 100578.
- Free software: MIT license
pip install pythermalcomfort
You can also install the in-development version with:
pip install
Examples files on how to use some of the functions
YouTube tutorials playlist
Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given. Click here to learn more on how to contribute to the project.
I am using travis to test the code. In addition, I have enabled GitHub actions. Every time a commit containing the message bump version is pushed to master then the GitHub action tests the code and if the tests pass, a new version of the package is published automatically on PyPI. See file in .github/workflows/ for more information.