- Updated equation clo_dynamic based on ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum f to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2020
- Fixed import errors in examples
- optimized UTCI function with Numba
- (BREAKING CHANGE) moved some of the functions from psychrometrics to utilities
- added equation to calculate body surface area
- return stress category UTCI
- optimized phs with Numba
- added Predicted Heat Strain (PHS) index from ISO 7933:2004
- changed equation to calculate convective heat transfer coefficient in set_tmp() as per Gagge's 1986
- fixed vasodilation coefficient in set_tmp()
- docs changed term air velocity with air speed and improved documentation
- added new tests for comfort functions
- fixed error calculation solar_altitude and sharp for supine person in solar_gain
- not rounding SET temperature when calculating cooling effect
- added function to calculate sky-vault view fraction
- replaced input solar_azimuth with sharp in the solar_gain() function
- fixed small error in example pmv calculation
- Fixed error calculation of cooling effect with elevated air temperatures
- Changed PMV elevated air speed limit from 0.2 to 0.1 m/s
- Fixed error in the calculation of erf
- Updated validation table erf
- Changed default diameter in t_mrt
- Improved documentation
- Significantly improved calculation speed using numba. Wrapped set and pmv functions
- Minor speed improvement changed math.pow with **
- Added validation PMV validation table from ISO 7730
- Improved speed calculation of the Cooling Effect
- Bisection has been replaced with Brentq function from scipy
- Annotated variables in the SET code.
- Fixed an error in the bisection equation used to calculated Cooling Effect.
- Major stable release.
- Added equation to calculate the dynamic clothing insulation
- Fixed error in calculation adaptive ASHRAE
- Added some examples
- Renamed function to_calc to t_o
- Fixed error calculation of relative air speed
- renamed input parameter ta to tdb
- Added function to calculate mean radiant temperature from black globe temperature
- Added function to calculate solar gain on people
- Added functions to calculate vapour pressure, wet-bulb temperature, dew point temperature, and psychrometric data from dry bulb temperature and RH
- Added authors
- Added dictionaries with reference clo and met values
- Added function to calculate enthalpy
- Added function to calculate the running mean outdoor temperature
- There was an error in version 0.4.2 in the calculation of PMV and PPD with elevated air speed, i.e. vr > 0.2 which has been fixed in this version
- Added function to calculate the cooling effect in accordance with ASHRAE
- Removed compatibility with python 2.7 and 3.5
- Created adaptive_EN, v_relative, t_clo, vertical_tmp_gradient, ankle_draft functions and wrote tests.
- Added possibility to decide with measuring system to use SI or IP.
- Created set_tmp, adaptive_ashrae, UTCI functions and wrote tests.
- Added warning to let the user know if inputs entered do not comply with Standards applicability limits.
- Created pmv, pmv_ppd functions and wrote tests.
- Documented code.
- First release on PyPI.