Computational modeling of microbial communities applied to D. pigrum and S. aureus in the human nose
This repository introduces the codes applied to the nasal microbial community of the latest available curated GEMs of D. pigrum and S. aureus.
A metabolic modeling community of organisms D. pigrum and S. aureus in a nasal medium. This implements functionality to analyze the interaction between these two species within a human nose using different approaches to construct a community.
Authors: Reihaneh Mostolizadeh, Manuel Glöckler
To run it as a package, refer to:
Full documentaion page:
Operating systems: MacOS, Windows, Linux.
All codes can be run separately in the jupyter notebook.
The package depends on third-party software that was successfully tested using Python (version 3.7 or later), COBRApy (version 0.19.0 or later), CPLEX (version 20.1.0). Alternativiely, other solvers for linear programing may be used as long as those are supported by COBRApy.
The repository has contained a folder named "Models," including models used in this work, a folder named "Media" including synthetic nasal medium (SNM3) used in this work and all other media created as a subset of SNM3, and all codes applied for the analysis in the related manuscript.
- DP_SA_summatymodel_1: gives an overview of both models used in this research
- flux_distribution_SA: is an overview of flux distribution of S. aureus
- flux_distribution_DP is an overview of flux distribution of D. pigrum
- creat_compm_media the COMPM media was created
- jaccard_index: which computed the similarity between both species
- uptake_sekeration_inverstigation: compare the similarity between both species from the perspective of uptake and secretion metabolites
number_12 the analysis of the community based on the pooled approaches
number_13 the analysis of the community based on the integrated approaches while we have media SNM3, exchange, COMPM
number_14 the analysis of the community based on the shuttle approaches while we have media SNM3, exchange, COMPM (shuttle environment was considered as all 111 total exchange reactions)- linear combination of the objective function was implemented.
number_16 the analysis of the community based on the shuttle approaches while we have media SNM3, exchange, COMPM (shuttle environment was considered as all 111 total exchange reactions)- the convex combination of the objective function was implemented.
number_18 the analysis of the community based on the shuttle approaches while we have media SNM3, exchange, COMPM (shuttle environment was considered as all uptake and secreted metabolites)- linear combination of the objective function and convex combination were implemented.
numbers_20-21-22-23-24-25 computing the COOPM media in different scenarios and the analysis of the community in COOPM in all different conditions.
numbers_26-28 a brief analysis of different scenarios while the community was created as a package to be called.
optcom_comparison MICOM package by using otpcom objective function and the modification based on the nasal microbiom community.
The University of Tübingen, Germany