Welcome to the Number Guessing Game! Challenge your guessing skills and have fun trying to guess the secret number in this interactive Python game.
The Number Guessing Game is a simple yet engaging Python game where players attempt to guess a randomly selected secret number within a specified range. The game offers different difficulty levels, interactive gameplay, and provides hints to help players deduce the correct number.
- Difficulty Levels: Choose from easy, medium, and hard difficulty levels, each with its own range of numbers and maximum attempts.
- Hints and Clues: Receive hints and clues to guide your guesses and increase your chances of guessing correctly.
- Play Again: After completing a game, choose to play again and improve your guessing skills.
- Clone this repository to your local machine using
git clone https://github.com/Bisalkumar/Number_guessing.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd Number_guessing
- Run the game:
python Number_guessing.py
- Choose a difficulty level: easy, medium, or hard.
- The game generates a secret number within the chosen range.
- Make guesses and receive hints to deduce the secret number.
- Keep guessing until you find the correct number or run out of attempts.
- Play again to improve your skills and achieve better scores.
Feel free to customize the game by modifying the source code. You can tweak the ranges, add new features, or adjust the game mechanics to your liking.
Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements, new features, or bug fixes, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
Have a great time playing the Number Guessing Game and challenging your friends to see who can guess the secret number the fastest! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out.