A client to handle cryptocurrency payments using Coinbase Commerce platform
Ruby Versions • Dependencies • Docs • Installation • Usage • Validating Webhook • Contributing
This gem is completely inspired by official Coinbase gem coinbase-commerce-ruby, unfortunately the oficial gem actually is deprecated, and my motivation is to continue support for this gemRuby [2.3 -> 3.2.2] are supported and tested.
The following libraries will be installed when you install the client library:
For more details visit Coinbase API docs.
To start using library, you'll need to create a Coinbase Commmerce account.
Once you've created your Coinbase Commerce account, create an API_KEY
in Settings.
To use this gem in Ruby on Rails, first pass your Coinbase API_KEY to an environment variable or credentials. After doing this, create a new initializer called coinbase_commerce_client.rb
and insert the following code:
CoinbaseCommerceClient.configure do |config|
config.api_key = ENV['COINBASE_API_KEY']
# or
config.api_key = Rails.application.credentials.coinbase[:coinbase_api_key]
Next create a Client
object for interacting with the API:
require 'coinbase_commerce_client'
client = CoinbaseCommerceClient::Client.new(api_key: API_KEY)
contains links to every Ruby Class representations of the API resources
Checkout, Charge, Invoices, Event
You can call list, auto_paging, create, resolve, cancel, retrieve, modify
methods from API resource classes
client.charge.create <payload>
charge = client.charge.retrieve <id>
client.checkout.create <payload>
checkout = client.checkout.retrieve <id>
checkout.modify <payload>
event = client.event.retrieve <id>
Each API method returns an APIObject
representing the JSON response from the API, all of the models support hash and JSON representation.
Also when the response data is parsed into Ruby objects, the appropriate APIObject
subclasses will be used automatically.
All subclasses of APIResource
class support refresh
method. This will update their attributes and all nested data by making a fresh GET
request to the relevant API endpoint.
The client supports handling of common API errors and warnings. All errors occuring during the interaction with the API will be raised as exceptions.
Error | Status Code |
APIError | * |
InvalidRequestError | 400 |
ParamRequiredError | 400 |
ValidationError | 400 |
AuthenticationError | 401 |
ResourceNotFoundError | 404 |
RateLimitExceededError | 429 |
InternalServerError | 500 |
ServiceUnavailableError | 503 |
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'coinbase_commerce_client'
Then execute:
bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
gem install coinbase_commerce_client
require 'coinbase_commerce_client'
client = CoinbaseCommerceClient::Client.new(api_key: 'your_api_key')
checkout = client.checkout.retrieve <checkout_id>
checkout_info = {
"name": "The Sovereign Individual",
"description": "Mastering the Transition to the Information Age",
"pricing_type": "fixed_price",
"local_price": {
"amount": "1.00",
"currency": "USD"
"requested_info": ["name", "email"]
checkout = client.checkout.create(checkout_info)
# or
checkout = client.checkout.create(:name=>'The Sovereign Individual',
:description=>'Mastering the Transition to the Information Age',
"amount": "100.00",
"currency": "USD"
:requested_info=>["name", "email"])
checkout = client.checkout.retrieve <checkout_id>
checkout.name = 'new name'
# or
client.checkout.modify(<checkout_id>, "local_price": {
"amount": "10000.00",
"currency": "USD"
checkouts = client.checkout.list
client.checkout.auto_paging do |ch|
puts ch.id
charge = client.charge.retrieve <charge_id>
charge_info = {
"name": "The Sovereign Individual",
"description": "Mastering the Transition to the Information Age",
"pricing_type": "fixed_price",
"local_price": {
"amount": "1.00",
"currency": "USD"
"requested_info": ["name", "email"]
charge = client.charge.create(charge_info)
# or
charge = client.charge.create(:name=>'The Sovereign Individual',
:description=>'Mastering the Transition to the Information Age',
"amount": "100.00",
"currency": "USD"
charges_list = client.charge.list
client.charge.auto_paging do |charge|
puts charge.id
charge = client.charge.retrieve <charge_id>
charge = client.charge.retrieve <charge_id>
event = client.event.retrieve <event_id>
events = client.event.list
client.event.auto_paging do |event|
puts event.id
You should verify the webhook signatures using our library. To perform the verification you'll need to provide the event data, a webhook signature from the request header, and the endpoint’s secret. In case of an invalid request signature or request payload, you will receive an appropriate error message.
WEBHOOK_SECRET = 'your_webhook_secret'
# Using Sinatra
post '/webhooks' do
request_payload = request.body.read
sig_header = request.env['HTTP_X_CC_WEBHOOK_SIGNATURE']
event = CoinbaseCommerceClient::Webhook.construct_event(request_payload, sig_header, WEBHOOK_SECRET)
# event handle
puts "Received event id=#{event.id}, type=#{event.type}"
status 200
# errors handle
rescue JSON::ParserError => e
puts "json parse error"
status 400
rescue CoinbaseCommerceClient::Errors::SignatureVerificationError => e
puts "signature verification error"
status 400
rescue CoinbaseCommerceClient::Errors::WebhookInvalidPayload => e
puts "missing request or headers data"
status 400
Any and all contributions are welcome! The process is simple: fork this repo, make your changes, add tests, run the test suite, and submit a pull request. Tests are run via rspec. To run the tests, clone the repository and then:
# Install the requirements
gem install coinbase_commerce_client
rspec spec
# or via Bundle
bundle install
bundle exec rspec spec