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60 lines (47 loc) · 1.74 KB

Project setup

Poetry venv

Installing the dev-dependencies in a new environment can be done with the following command:

poetry install --with dev

Pytest suites

poetry run pytest --cov -v -m "not integration_dapla"

Or if you want to call nox with poetry and pass pytest flags through...

poetry run nox --session tests --python 3.10 -- -v -- -m "not integration_dapla"

The marker "integration_dapla" is for running specific tests locally on a dapla. They are placed in tests/ .
Use this flag in the command-line call to avoid running them on other platforms.

Pytest coverage

poetry run pytest --cov=statbank --cov-report term-missing
# or
poetry run pytest -v -m "not integration_dapla" --cov=statbank --cov-report term-missing

Run this when developing tests. If you achieve a higher testing coverage make sure to increase the threshold in the workflow. .github/workflows/tests.yml (at the bottom)

Running the pre-commit hooks locally

poetry run pre-commit run --all-files

Several of the pre-commit hooks will try to modify the files on a fail. Re-running the command might therefore result in a different result the second time.

Type-checking with Mypy

poetry run mypy .


pflake8 has its config in pyproject.toml, not in .flake8

Publish new version of package to Pypi

The action to publish to Pypi is connected with a workflow to releases from Github. So to publish to Pypi, make sure everything is done, and in the main branch, bump the version in pyproject.toml, add a tag and release on Github.

Bump version

poetry run bump2version patch

patch: 0.0.1 -> 0.0.2
minor: 0.0.1 -> 0.1.0
major: 0.0.1 -> 1.0.0