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00.2 System Architecture

AlexSp edited this page Mar 31, 2021 · 2 revisions

This setup and code implementation has three main purposes:

  1. Visualize Data of our first electric racecar when doing test drives and real races as close to the run as possible (best of course would be real-time)
  2. Provide future team members with the opportunity to adjust & add data visualization easily (without much coding)
  3. Record all relevant incoming data while doing a test run for simulation purposes later on (be it for the control system, temp simulation, object detection or others)
  4. Build the foundation to push our car to one day drive with autonomous features

Therefore, we decided to use ROS (and soon ROS2) for implementing the given goals as stated above. Right now we are almost ready to fulfill goal Nr. 1 as well as goal Nr. 2 and Nr. 3. Until goal Nr. 4 there is still quite a way to go. Our progress of the software setup and how it plays together with our hardware can be seen in the image below.