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02.2 Setup ADMA Slim IMU from Genesys using CAN

AlexSp edited this page Mar 30, 2021 · 1 revision

Connecting IMU and sensors via CAN bus

By using the DB9 connector of the Genesys IMU it is possible to connect the CAN-transceiver of the AGX with a self-soldered DB9 connector. CAN signal is transmitted and received on CAN-High and CAN-Low channels. For more input on CAN please see CAN Tutorial.

Assuming that the previous steps worked correctly when setting up the AGX as well as building the ROS packages in the catkin workspace using catkin_make it should now be possible to call the following roslaunch command to begin the listening to CAN0, decoding the CAN messages and writing them to topics.

roslaunch bfft_CAN_msgs_to_ROS_topic Start_Data_Collection.launch 

If you would like to see data coming in you can try one of the following as long as the IMU is attached:

rostopic echo /imu/imu_data
rostopic echo /imu/gps_data

It is possible to get a list of all available topics by typing rostopic list.