A mod including a set of colortimers for HS2 / AIS accessories.
Download the .zipmod file for the latest version on the download page for each pack listed below, and uncompress it into several .zipmod files, then drag and drop it into your /mods/ folder or use KKManager to install it.
In Chara Maker, go to Accessory panel, then to the Chest tab, and seach for "colortimer 24". After finding them, click one to add it onto the chest of your character.
Use MaterialEditor to adjust their material parameters.
- Colortimer 240914a
- Colortimer 240914b
- Colortimer 240914b1
- Colortimer 240914c
- Colortimer 240914d
- Colortimer 240916a
- Colortimer 240916b
- Colortimer 240916c
- Colortimer 240916d
- Colortimer 240916e