Code and datasets are available
Eventually, all code and datasets used to generate the figures will be archived at the Zenodo repository (used by CERN). This will provide us with a link (DOI) that we can use in the methods section.
- Figure 1: Insect survival phenotypes on the collection of accessions
- Figure 2: Glandular trichome phenotypes
- Figure 3: Heatmaps of GC-MS and UHPLC-MS detected metabolites
- Figure 4: Significant metabolites in toxic-labelled accessions
- Table 1: Classification of the accessions
- Table 2: List of acylsugars significantly contributing to the RF model
- Table 3: List of volatiles significantly contributing to the RF model
- Table S1: Generalised Linear Model fitted on the whitefly survival data.
- Table S2: Cox proportional hazard model fitted on the thrips survival data
- Table S3: volatile and acylsugars identified in the stem trichomes of the 19 tomato genotypes.
- Figure S1: Survival curves of thrips bioassay
- Figure S2: Trichome photos of all 19 accessions
- Figure S3: Trichome densities per trichome type and leaf surface
- Figure S4: Frequency of metabolite detection among the accessions.
- Figure S5: Mass spectra of volatiles that were not verified by an authentic standard
- Figure S6: Detection of significant metabolites among the tomato accessions