A special Doxygen documentation has been written for this project. You can read it as html by going to $PROJECT_ROOT/docs/html/index.html
You can also build your own documentation using the latex sources at $PROJECT_ROOT/docs/latex
In order to compile and run this project you must have installed on your computer the followings : CMake, Boost, OpenMP
# apt-get install cmake libboost-all-dev libopenmpi1.6
To compile sources, you will have to run the following lines :
$ mkdir bin && cd bin && cmake .. && make
It will create a folder name 'bin', navigate to it, build the Makefile, and run the Makefile.
Use -c or --client as argument on the scheduler's executable to start the client. It will populate the queue with your tasks.
$ ./Scheduler -c
Use -s or --sequential to start the scheduler in sequential mode. Use -p or --parallel to start in parallel.
$ ./Scheduler -s
WHILE timer not expired DO
-- New task incoming...
IF no processor can handle it (processors would be overloaded)
Wait for a processor to unload
IF one processor is empty (no task running)
Attach the task to it
Get the less-loaded processor
Attach task to it