Harness the power of Cardano with this simple dApp connector generator for GameChanger Wallet. Build GCscripts, JSON-based scripts that gets packed into ready to use URL dApp connectors!
$ npm install --global gamechanger-dapp-cli
$ gamechanger-dapp-cli [network] [action] [subaction]
Networks: 'mainnet' | 'testnet'
'url' : generates a ready to use URL dApp connector from a valid GCScript
'qr' : generates a ready to use URL dApp connector encoded into a QR code image from a valid GCScript
'html' : generates a ready to use HTML dApp with a URL connector from a valid GCScript
'button' : generates a ready to use HTML embeddable button snippet with a URL connector from a valid GCScript
'nodejs' : generates a ready to use Node JS dApp with a URL connector from a valid GCScript
'react' : generates a ready to use React dApp with a URL connector from a valid GCScript
--args [gcscript] | -a [gcscript]: Load GCScript from arguments
--file [filename] | -a [filename]: Load GCScript from file
without --args or --file : Load GCScript from stdin
--outputFile [filename] -o [filename]: The QR Code, HTML, button, nodejs, or react output filename
without --outputFile : Sends the QR Code, HTML, button, nodejs, or react output file to stdin
$ gamechanger-dapp-cli mainnet build url -f demo.gcs
$ gamechanger-dapp-cli testnet build url -a '{"type":"tx","title":"Demo","description":"created with gamechanger-dapp-cli","metadata":{"123":{"message":"Hello World!"}}}'
$ cat demo.gcs | gamechanger-dapp-cli mainnet build url
$ gamechanger-dapp-cli testnet build qr -a '{"type":"tx","title":"Demo","description":"created with gamechanger-dapp-cli","metadata":{"123":{"message":"Hello World!"}}}' > qr_output.png
$ gamechanger-dapp-cli testnet build qr -a '{"type":"tx","title":"Demo","description":"created with gamechanger-dapp-cli","metadata":{"123":{"message":"Hello World!"}}}' -o qr_output.png